Page 48 of Twisted Sorcery

I lean back so she can’t kiss me. “Celeste!”

She kisses my neck instead, mumbling, “Just have dinner with me, kitten.”

“No,” I say. “I won’t, not until you ask me properly rather than demanding.”

“I want to have dinner with you.” She follows the neckline of the jumper I’m wearing with her lips, her fingers running over my skin with a touch as light as feathers.

“Now you’re doing it on purpose.”

“I don’t know what you mean.” She picks me up and sits me on the counter. “We should have dinner together. I think you’d enjoy having dinner with me. I brought you dinner.”

“Stop it,” I laugh. “It’s not charming. Maybe if you’d asked the cat nicely to get out, he would have.”

She pushes me back until I’m lying on the counter and kisses my stomach with a wicked smile. “I don’t want to be nice to you.”

“Why not?”

She pulls my pants off in one motion and drops them on the floor. With her lips against my knee, she says, “Because being mean makes you come that much harder.”

I cover my face with my hands, embarrassed, feeling the blood rush to my cheeks. Her tongue trails over the inside of my thigh with incredible lightness. After so much pain, being touched so gently is a reprieve. I shiver when her mouth finds my sex, biting my lip as her tongue draws slow circles over my clit.

She’s languid, taking her sweet time. I need to work hard for it, moving my hips, seeking out the pleasure. I grip the edge of the counter for support. Any sign that could remotely be seen as me getting close makes her pause.

“Are you torturing me because I haven’t agreed to have dinner with you?”

“I wouldn’t dream of it.”

Despite her words, she continues at the same sedate pace, withdrawing any time the slightest moan slips my lips.

Frustrated, I push myself up on my elbows. “Youaretorturing me.”

“Well,” she kisses the inside of my thigh. “I would whip you into submission but I think your body might need a break.”

I shudder. “Yeah.” Then I add, “So you’re admitting it?”

“Fine. I’m torturing you.” She runs her fingers up my thigh and enters me with one forceful thrust.

I flinch and let out a sharp gasp that dissolves into a low groan.

“You get to finish when you agree to have dinner with me.”

My voice is labored. “I will agree if you ask me nicely!”

“You should know you can’t win this game.”

I want to reply but my words turn into nonsense as her tongue finds her way back to my clit, her fingers thrusting to the same rhythm. Knowing the only way I can win is to deceive her, I try my hardest to stay still and quiet, which quickly turns out to be an impossible task. The moment my legs begin to quiver, she withdraws.

As if we weren’t just in the middle of something, she goes on to wash her hands and begin taking out plates for the food, ignoring me lying breathless and frustrated on the counter.

“Are you serious?”

She smiles wickedly. “I always get what I want. You can get used to that right now.”

Her words give me pause, making my stomach flutter strangely.You can get used to that right now.

Once she’s done getting out the plates and preparing the dining room table, she turns her attention back to me. This time, she pins me down by my neck and watches my face as I struggle, her expression wicked. I have no chance.

We continue this game until I have to pull out my last ace because with every degree the food gets colder, she gets a little more devious. In the end, I find myself naked and tied to one of the table legs, Celeste thoughtlessly playing with the remote control of the vibrator inside of me while checking wine labels.