Page 30 of Shattered Desires

The two of them look over at me as I approach, and Isla smiles. “Declan, do you even know how fucking gorgeous you looked today? This is going to be a blow up a framed photo as big as your wall type of shoot. My best friend is stunning!” Isla pulls me in, her long, dark curls surrounding me as I lock eyes with Spence, who immediately looks away.

“I gotta run. Dec, you looked amazing!” Spence says, turning and jogging over to his car.

What the fuck?

I get embarrassed… I get shocked, but what I don’t get is that exit.

Isla pulls away from me and spins on her heels, watching as Spence drives off like a bat out of hell. “Well, that was weird,” she says with a shrug.

Regret seeps into my bones. I shouldn’t have kissed him. I should have just told the photographer that was my deal-breaker. No kissing my male friend turned model.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

“What were you guys talking about before I walked up?” I ask Isla, sliding into the passenger seat of her car. She picked me up this morning, bearing coffee and lots of compliments. I throw my oversized bag onto the floorboard and tie my hair back and away from my face.

“Neither of us brought up that intense as all hell make-out session if that’s what you’re wondering about.” A small smile spreads on her face as she puts Lana Del Rey on Spotify shuffle, turning it down so the music is there but soft and low. “I wanted to, believe me. Because do you even understand what happened in there? I’m not sure you do.” Isla starts word vomiting, and my stomach knots. “You and Spence finally kissed.”

The magnitude of what I just did really hits me, like, really, really hits me, and I double over in my seat, cradling my head in my hands. My body starts to warm all over again, and I resist the urge to cry.

I will not cry right now.

“Oh, shit. Dec, I’m so sorry,” Isla says as she starts to drive, and I try to hold it together. I just kissed Spence.

“Isla.” I sit up and slam my head against the headrest. “I just kissed Spence.”

She laugh-snorts, and I snap my head toward her.

“What the hell is funny right now? I just kissed Spence fucking Reid. I’m going to hell.” I fling my hands up in the air in the most vivid display of dramatics. “I’m going to hell. Or I’m going to have real bad karma for the rest of my life. One or the other… maybe both. Nothing good can come from making out with my ex’s brother.”

Isla puts her hand on my knee and squeezes. “Dec, it was a kiss.” Isla widens her eyes. “I mean, if you want the truth though, it was actually less kiss, more hot and heavy make-out-sesh. But from what I could tell, there was no weirdness, no awkwardness. It was like you two have been making out your entire lives,” Isla says. “Everything is going to be okay.”

I want to believe Isla, but she’s not a damn psychic. She’s got no clue.

We ride in silence for the next few minutes until Isla pulls up to my gate.

“Relax, girlfriend. You kissed Spence. So what? You’ve needed to do that for a long-ass time now.”





“Do you wanna smoke some weed or something?” Miller asks as I pace with my hands behind my head in his penthouse. I turn around and scoff at him as he relaxes on his leather sofa like Declan’s world didn’t just collide at a colossal speed with my own.

“The fuck? Weed?” I throw my hands up and sit next to him on the couch. “I just made out with Declan.” As if he hasn’t heard me the other ten times I’ve said it since barging in five minutes ago. “I made out with Declan,” I say again for good measure.

Miller runs his fingers through his dark hair before pulling it back into his signature man bun. Grabbing a green hair tie from his wrist, he loops it around a few times before shrugging. For the first time since I got here, I notice he’s not wearing a shirt and kind of looks like shit.

“You look like shit,” I tell him. “And honestly, I’d love to talk about what’s wrong with you—seriously—but can we please acknowledge the fact that Declan and I made out?”

“You and Declan made out.” Miller rolls his eyes. “Who gives a shit? From what I remember, the two of you almost made out ten million times in high school. The two of you were in love with each other, and you were both too afraid to make a move.”

“What part of she’s off-limits are you not hearing?” I snap at him a little more forcefully than intended, and he just stares at me.

“How is she off-limits? We’re not back in the goddamn medieval times when men laid claim to women, Spence. Seriously.” He rolls his eyes, and my skin heats.