Page 82 of Daddy's Bodyguard

Cash nods at me, but Kingston watches me carefully. I bid my Dad goodnight and head towards my bedroom. I’m halfway up the stairs when I notice Kingston following me. Turning to face him, I cross my arms. “Kingston, right?”

His brows slightly lift, and there’s a ghost of a smile on his face. “Yes.”

“Why are you following me, Kingston?”

“Is that a rhetorical question?”

“Of course, it is. I’m here, safe inside. Your men are stationed outside. You don’t need to tag along wherever I’m going.”

“Jasper told Cash you’re a flight risk, so we’re keeping all our bases sealed.”

“There’s no need. I do things my own way, okay?”

Kingston frowns. “That won’t work here, little girl. I’m not as lenient as Jasper. Cash doesn’t have his kindness. So, for your sake, I’m telling you to behave.”

“Whatever.” I turn and continue up the stairs as his cell phone rings. Hopefully, the call is enough to stop him from following me.

But I’m taken by surprise when he pushes me inside my bedroom and closes the door. “What the fuck, Kingston? You can’t be in here—”

“Shut up and listen,” he hisses, his voice low and dangerous. “Tiberon’s men have found the safe house, got that? We just got word they are on the way.”

“Then why the hell aren’t we moving? Why are we locked in the goddamn room?” I attempt to push past him to the door, but he effortlessly holds me back.

“There’s nowhere to go, Sofia. We have no choice to take but to take them down.” He motions to the floor. “I need you to stay put until the coast is clear, okay?”

“So why isn’t Jasper here?”

“I think that’s fairly obvious.” Kingston glances towards the door. “Objectivity is a terrible thing to lose.”

“But he’s another person. Trained. He’s kept me alive. He kept me in one piece.”

“He did. It’s quite obvious,” Kingston replies, quickly looking me over. “It’s his methods that are in question right now.”

I narrow my eyes at him. “I don’t know what you’re saying or accusing him of. He took a bullet for me. He’s doneeverythingto keep me and others safe.”

“No argument from me. I don’t give two shits about method as long as the job gets done. But that spat you had with him outside the house. It said plenty, Sofia. You should learn to lower your voice.”

“Son of a bitch! You don’t know anything. Not a damn thing.” I fight the urge to shove him. “And I promise that you’ll wish he was here. If this is as bad as you keep saying it is.”

“We’re perfectly qualified-”

“Bullshit.” I hiss. “If you were confident, you wouldn’t have said a thing.”

“I’m just keeping you in the loop in case you do something stupid like try to run. Our hands will be full in a few minutes. We can’t afford any other distractions, so for the last time, please behave. Do not leave this room until I return for you.”

He doesn’t wait for my reply. I stare at his broad back as he hustles out the door, taking my bravado with him. The direness of our situation feels even more real now that I’m alone. I plop down on the bed and pull my phone from my purse. Jasper’s incoming texts light up the screen the minute I turn it on. I start to type a response, then delete it. I’ll give him my reply face-to-face. He deserves that, at least.

Sliding down to the carpet, I pull my knees up to my chest and rest my chin on top, listening, waiting, hoping Kingston was wrong. I want to go home. I need my life back. I need Jasper here to keep me safe. But I’ve been nothing but a selfish, insufferable bitch; do I deserve to get what I want?

A sudden loud boom makes me whimper. I push up from the floor as a barrage of gunshots sounds outside the window. Or is it coming from inside?

Oh, shit, it’s both!

“Fuck, we’re surrounded!” I heard someone yell outside the door. “Kingston, get the-”

Another echoing boom. A gunshot.
