Page 74 of Daddy's Bodyguard

“Jasper, come on,” she huffs. “I already told you; I don’t want to leave your side.”

Oh, fuck my life. She definitely won’t handle the news well. “It’s my job to protect you, Sofia. That means you’re getting in the back seat and staying low until I come get you.”

“That’s fucking stupid. Give me a knife, and let me have your back, Jasper. I’m not helpless.”

“I didn’t say you were.” I pull her hand up to my mouth, but she pulls away before I can kiss her palm.

“I can protect myself. You made sure of that.”

“It’ll depend on what it looks like when we get there.” I try for compromise. “If I don’t trust it, I’m going to expect you to do what I say.”

“So nothing over the last few days matters?”

“Of course, it fucking matters.” I face her at a red light. “Of course, it does. If anything, I’m more determined to protect you and keep you in one piece. Whatever it takes.”

She glares at me for a long moment, then crosses her arms over her chest. I sigh. “You can be mad about my decisions, cupcake. That’s fine. As long as you’re alive.”

“I don’t like this,” she grumbles.

Oh, Sofia, you won’t like what’s coming, either.I contemplate telling her the truth instead of trying to prep her like I’ve been doing for the last few minutes. But I’d rather face another mission than her anger.

“Sofia, I don’t want to lose you. Please understand that.” Even though I know she won’t … not considering what will happen once we arrive.

She snorts. “So, you’d rather rush in and take the bullets yourself and leave me to pick up the pieces? Why is your life worth less than mine?”

I roll my eyes and shake my head. “You really think we’d be called there for that type of scenario?”

“I know my dad would rather lose you or your buddies than get a scratch. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re surrounded, and you’re nothing more than a sacrifice… a distraction.”

“He can’t be that bad. My dad is a jackass, but I know he cares, even if he can’t show it. Your dad is just the same. He wouldn’t have hired me to protect you if he would just turn you over to keep himself safe,” I insist.

“You don’t know shit about him. Plus, he hired you. You’re biased!” She points at me. “You don’t have a single clue.”

“I’m just willing to give a little doubt. I can’t see him as some evil cartoon villain.”

“He’s not! He’s plenty fucking real,” she replies. “And he’s done things that have caused others to get hurt. The reoffenders. The people he’s gotten off on technicalities when they all but admitted to murder. What’s another body on his conscience?”

“I never said his conscience was clear; I’m just saying that he has limits.”

“Oh yeah. Speaking of, how is your conscience, Jasper?”


Chapter 23


“Carissa? You know, the girl who was crazy about you? How do you feel knowing you’re fucking her best friend? Huh?”

Jasper looks to the road, then back at me. I can’t control the anger sizzling through me. I’m frustrated that he’s forcing me to be a damsel in distress. I’m pissed that we’re just doing whatever my dad says and trusting him when he’s capable of anything. I’ve seen who he’s let go. I’ve seen the kind of men he keeps company with.

And Jasper trying to say that Dad isn’t that man has me questioning his morals. And mine for sleeping with him at all. For caring about him and not wanting to watch him get hurt for me … again.

“Are you going to answer me, or what?”

“Fucking hell, Sofia,” he bites out. “Carissa and I went on one date! Why are you throwing that into this argument? It’s not about her.”

“You want us to have a relationship when this is done, and you haven’t even considered how she’s going to feel. How will she feel seeing you with me when she was over the moon for you? Knowing we slept together.”