“You’ll be back to your normal life soon.” I kiss the top of her head.
She sighs softly, but I hate the countdown. As stupid as it is, I can’t imagine going a day without her. I can’t imagine her being cuddled up with anyone else. I clear my throat and rub down her back.
“Are you comfortable?” she asks, her voice drowsy.
“For now. Go to sleep,” I murmur. “I’ll take the first watch.”
I kiss the top of her head again and feel her hand clutch the shirt at my side.
“I trust you, Jasper,” she whispers before drifting off to sleep.
Chapter 17
Waking up in the morning feels normal until I realize I’m snuggled against Jasper. His gentle snores bathe my ear, his face pressed against the back of my head. I shift my body a bit, only to feel something hard against my back.
He groans softly and pulls me tighter against him, and I surrender to his arms around me. Memories of yesterday start coming back, and I push the horror aside and focus on the pleasant parts, like the kiss that sizzled my whole body and last night when we just talked. There’s no denying how real it was, more real than anything I’ve experienced in a long time with any other man. But I don’t know what to do about it.
Jasper’s heavy sigh makes me open my eyes once more. “Good morning.”
“Buenas Dias.”
“You feel good,” he greets in a low, husky voice as he rubs his nose over my neck.
A shiver teases my spine, and I rub his hip slowly. “Teasing again?”
“Never.” He hums. “One second.”
He rolls over for a beat; then he waves a breath strip in front of me. Scoffing, I roll over to face him as he pops one in his mouth. I follow suit as he presses his forehead to mine, making my chest squeeze. I run my fingers along his jaw.
As soon as this job is over, he’s going to leave me. I’m not silly enough to think he will stick around just for my shitty personality. He’ll take the money and run away to his happily ever after with someone else, but I can’t pretend I don’t want him. Not when we’re this close when he’s watching me like I’m the only reason he bothered to wake up today.
But I don’t have any clue what to do with him. Do I forget my reservations and kiss him? Because once I make a move, there’s no going back.
Jasper tucks my hair behind my ear and brushes his thumb over my cheek. “How do you feel?”
“I’m okay.”
His thumb traces just under my bottom lip, sending a buzzing through my skin that makes me ache for more than his touch. I suck my lip, and Jasper takes a harsh breath. His forehead brushes mine, and I feel that tension in his body again, spring-loaded, ready to attack.
“What do you want to do with your first day off?”
How is he having a normal conversation with me when I’m fighting my arousal for him? It would be so easy to wrap my leg around him, pull him close, kiss him and spend the morning like any other sane woman, considering this sexy man in my bed.
And I’m so damn tempted to do just that. He’s right here, touching me, holding me … but what if all his teasing really has just been teasing? “It’s not a real day off.”
“No. I guess not.” His hand strokes along my neck, then he follows my spine. “Is this okay?”
I nod.
“You can tell me to stop. I know you know that; I just … want to put that out there,” he whispers.
“I’m good at saying ‘no’.”
“Yeah.” He nods, his lips so close I swear I can taste him already. “It’s your favorite word.”
“What would you do if I told you yes instead?” I meet his eyes.