Page 44 of Daddy's Bodyguard

“She’s my best friend. I want to make sure you’re not going to break her heart,” I reply before searching for a different topic.

No, I don’t want him to break her heart, but I wouldn’t be devastated if they didn’t go out again. Not because I like him, no. Just because … because it would be awkward once I’m free of this house arrest bullshit. That’s all.

My eyes flick to Jasper again, and I see his slight smile. He takes another drink and nods. “I think I’m starting to rub off on you, Sofia. Lying gets easier when it protects you.”

For the first time, I silently agree with how right he is.

Chapter 14


After a long awkward silence, Sofia gets up to go play with Ellie. Daisy comes to sit beside me as I rub at my leg. As much as I love my niece, she’s a struggle to keep up with.

“I like her, Jasper,” Daisy says. “She’s not like those spineless bimbos you brought home when you were younger. This one, she has substance.”

“Hey!” I nudge her side with a chuckle. “I never dated any bimbos, you twit.”

“Right… so I imagined the one who slept with half the town—what’s her name…”


“Haha! So I was right.”

“Oh, whatever. That’s only one.”

When our laughing subsides, she takes my hand. “I’m serious, though. Sofia’s a keeper. You should hold on to her.”

“I don’t even have a grip, Daisy. Sofia and I aren’t an item.”

“Sofia said the same thing, but I’m not fooled. I see the way you two look at each other.”

I sigh. “It’s time for you to get those eyes checked, little sis. I’m sure you’re seeing things. Sofia doesn’t want me like that.”

My attention shifts to where Sofia and Ellie are racing on the lawn. Sofia’s barely jogging, giving Ellie a head start, and my niece releases a triumphant howl when she crosses the makeshift finish line.

“I beg to differ, but—” Daisy raises a palm when I attempt to argue, “I’ll say no more, just watch the inevitable unfold.”

Ellie comes running up to us, her arms outstretched. “I won, Uncle Jasper, I won!”

“Good for you, bug.” I ruffle her hair while giving Sofia a glance. Her skin looks flushed, which makes her even more beautiful to me. I’m trying not to keep staring, but it would be easier to walk without my leg. Damn it, this woman is getting under my skin.

“Mommy, can Sofia and I play with your makeup?” Ellie asks, bouncing.

“Ellie.” Daisy captures her daughter. “That’s up to Sofia.”

“She said yes!” Ellie shouts. “I’m going to make her pretty.”

Sofia’s smile is so hesitant and halting it looks more like a grimace. She gives me a look that says, “Save me” and I shake my head once. She made this choice; she has to live with it. Daisy approves, and they head inside, Sofia’s hand held captive by Ellie’s.

“It’s fine,” Daisy says when I ask if it’s a good idea. “Makeup isn’t permanent. If she asks to play hair stylist, we’ll have a problem,” she ends with a laugh.

I nod, then drum my fingers on the table. Daisy sighs, and the smile on her face slowly fades. She didn’t just invite me over here because I’m injured. I know that. It’s an odd week if I don’t end up hurt. I just have to wait her out, and she’ll spill.

“Ellie’s started asking about her dad,” she finally mumbles.

“Damn.” I suck in a harsh breath. “I guess it’s time for the pics to come out.”

“She’s too young to know everything. I just tell her he was a hero and a good man, but I’m worried that won’t be enough for much longer.”