Page 38 of Daddy's Bodyguard

Dinner goes well. Carissa is so open and sweet. She asks about my past, and I give her a selective reply, avoiding everything related to war or anything that would bring down the mood. Meaning I make up a lot of fun stories instead.

She laughs the entire time, which makes me feel like the coolest date ever. But as fun as this is, my mind keeps going back to the feisty woman in the apartment we share. I check my phone when Carissa goes to the bathroom. The perimeter is clear, Sofia’s still working away, and everything seems quiet. It’s a nice break honestly. Maybe Sofia was right about us needing some time apart. It could be just what we need.

Carissa comes back and gives me a sly face as she sits down. “So… you and Sofia. What’s going on with you two?”

I shake my head. “We’re here to talk about you and me.”

“Well, I’m just curious.” She shrugs. “I mean, you came out of nowhere, and you and Sofia seems awfully close.”


“She told me you’re a reporter doing research on our company. But I can’t help feeling there’s more between you two. So, is there anything I need to know?”

“I wish I could tell you everything, Carissa. But I can assure you, Sofia and I aren’t dating.” She made it perfectly clear she’s not interested in going down that road.

“Because Sofia doesn’t date.” She shrugs but looks away. “I get it.”

“You’re not a second choice,” I reply, taking her hand. “And anyone who meets you would know that right away.”

“I know what I am, Jasper. But I mean, you took a bullet for Sofia, and she wouldn’t leave your side even though blood makes her nauseous. It’s hard not to wonder if you two have a thing going on.”

“Carissa. It’s not what you think. I can’t tell you anything more. But Sofia and I aren’t like that.”

She leans her head to the side and smiles slightly. “Look, I like things to be clear from the start. As hot as I think you are, as funny as you are, I can’t be with you if there are secrets between us.”

“I…” I hesitate, but I have to go with my gut. “I’m sorry.”

It feels like I’m missing out on an opportunity, especially considering that look on her face. I’d love to explore things with her, to see what we could have, but I can’t tell her about my job. I can’t tell her why I’m around Sofia like I am.

“I wish things were different so we could explore this,” I admit.

Her face falls a little, then she smiles again. “I get it. Nothing serious can happen right now.”

“Right now,” I agree.

Despite that uncomfortable moment between us, the date ends on a high note. Carissa goes back to talking about herself, dropping in things she likes, namely things that sound awful to me: working, cleaning, shopping, and dancing when she’s drunk.

The last one is something I’ll remember.

Before we part ways, Carissa plays with her keys in front of her, then bites her bottom lip. I smile and slip my hand over her cheek. She looks up at me, and I lean towards her. “Am I allowed to kiss you?”

“Well, since you asked … yes.” She tugs the front of my shirt, pulling me towards her.

I grin, then kiss her softly. Her lips mold to mine, but I feel nothing. I want to. I want this to be a great first kiss, but my heart just isn’t in it. No sparks at all. What I’d give to have sparks fly, for this to be the romance that pushes my feelings for Sofia to the back burner. When I draw back, Carissa giggles a little and touches her bottom lip.


“I’m glad to hear it.” I wink at her. “Nothing serious but...”

“Exactly.” She nods, but there’s a darker look in her eyes. She’s turned on. Fuck.

There’s a reluctant expression on her face when we part ways. Safely in the back seat of the cab, I check my phone again, bracing for any issues, but there’s nothing unusual on the security footage. Well… except Sofia is missing though. She’s not in her usual spot. I ignore the tightness in my chest as I flick through the internal cameras. Sofia’s fine. She’s still in the apartment somewhere. Relief melts the tension when I spot her in the kitchen, dancing as she stirs something in a saucepan. I can’t help smiling as I watch her. Hell, I can’t help wanting her, either. God help me. What the fuck am I going to do about these feelings for her?

Once I get home, I stow my phone away and unlock the door, enter the security code, and re-arm everything. Sofia emerges from the kitchen with more color in her cheeks than normal.

She sets her bowl on the center table, then looks me over slowly. “How was the date?”

“It went well. Carissa is a sweet woman, just as you said,” I reply, leaving out everything else. She doesn’t need to know Carissa and I—”