Page 28 of Chapel

As I nodded, Nova pulled me closer by my hand and placed a kiss on the center of my forehead. I was surprised he’d done that in front of Tiffany, and by her gasp and frown, she was too. There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that she’d start yelling soon, so I made my way out. The last thing I wanted to do was be in the middle of their argument. I hoped Nova kept the promise he’d made me about ending things with her. If he didn’t, it wouldn’t be the first time he broke a promise to someone he claimed to love and care about.


Later that Day

901-339-0118: Chapel.

Even with itbeing just a text, I heard Nova’s voice loud and clear. After the wedding rehearsal, I blocked his number. The only reason I’d unblocked it was because I’d returned to work. Seeing his number pop up on my phone startled me. My heart dropped, as if I hadn’t been talking to him hours earlier. It didn’t matter if I’d deleted his contact from my phone. I called that number so much, I’d probably always remember it.


Nibbling my bottom lip, I waited for his response, curious as to what he had to say. I was supposed to be setting up a demo to send to Claudia Meyers. She was probably the most successful realtor in Rose Valley Hills other than Jeremiah and Noah Gabriel. Noah Gabriel was in a different lane, though. He specialized in commercial properties. If I could bring her on as a new client, she would easily bring in potential clients from Memphis as well, because she operated all over Tennessee.

I was excited about staging and decorating in new cities and hoped the demo I was putting together would impress her.

When my phone buzzed, I dropped my pen and grabbed it, anxious to see what Nova had to say.

901-339-0118: I just wanted to check on you and make sure you were okay.

I’m good. It’s weird not being able to have a full conversation with you here without your shadow popping up but that’s to be expected.

901-339-0118: Well I talked to Tiffany and that won’t be happening anymore.

I was curious about if he’d done what he promised me, but a text didn’t seem like the way to have that conversation. Instead of asking, I simply said okay. If he called their engagement off, I’m pretty sure I’d hear about it before the day was out.

901-339-0118: You looked beautiful today. I hope that’s not flirting since it’s the truth.

I tried to grit my teeth to keep my smile in, but it didn’t work. What I was feeling for Nova shouldn’t have been so surprising. We’d always had chemistry and history, it was easy to fall back into certain feelings and habits with him. No matter how easy it was to desire his friendship again, that was all it would ever be. Because he cheated, I could never trust him and feel secure with him.

Even on the off chance that I did try to be with him, there was no doubt in my mind that my fear, paranoia, and resentment would cause even bigger issues between us. I’d probably end up punishing him for Tiffany every day that we were together. It was best to leave things as they were. At least now, we had an understanding that we both dropped the ball. He just… kicked his further into a field neither of us could get it back from.

Thank you. You looked handsome as always.

There was a knock on my door, and I was surprised to see both Allegra and Jeremiah together. Did they want to grab drinks or something after work like old times?

I grinned as Jerry closed the door behind them, but my excitement died a bit when Allegra said, “I won’t stay long since Jerry is here to see you too. I just wanted to offer my help with the human resources issues until you hire a small staff for that. If you can draft up whatever policies you want to put in place, I can add it to our bylaws and send it out to everyone. If they have any questions, I’ll list me as the point of contact and bring anything to you I feel I can’t handle.”

While I wished she was coming to me for something personal, I was also grateful for her help. Our staff had grown a bit since I was gone, and I needed all the help I could get.

“That sounds great, Allegra. Thank you for your help. I’ll get the policies drafted within the next forty-eight hours and send them to you.”

She gave me a bob of her head and a smile before sticking her tongue out at Jeremiah and leaving my office. Jerry sat at my desk and got comfortable as he normally did before he spoke. My phone vibrated, and I didn’t have to look to know it was Nova. I grabbed it and placed it in my lap before Jeremiah’s nosey ass could try to see who it was.

“Who you talking to that you trying to hide from me?”

My smile was crooked as I read over Nova’s text.

901-339-0118: I know I’m asking for a lot, but I’d love to see you again outside of work. If it would make you feel better, you can invite someone else. I miss my sweetheart. My life was so much better with you in it, even as just friends. Will you please be my friend again Chap?

My heart expanded in size like the Grinch.

Even if I wanted to deny Nova, I couldn’t. I missed him like crazy. Being away from him for a year didn’t lessen that. It made me angrier because he selfishly ruined us.

“Shit,” I seethed, tossing my phone onto my desk.

I hated even reading his texts in my office. There were certain spaces I liked to keep as peaceful as possible, and my bedroom and office were at the top of that list. My office was decorated in a monochrome blue design. From the different color mood lighting and aromatherapy mists to the small futon in the corner with a small bookshelf that I could use to relax, I’d gone to great lengths to make this space perfect for my mental and emotional well-being.

But now… all I could do was overthink this situation with Nova and Tiffany.