Page 23 of Chapel

“Don’t, that had nothing to do with you and everything to do with him. Plus, that’s not the only reason we aren’t close anymore. We tried to be friends after that, but I couldn’t respect him. I couldn’t be friends with someone who could do that to you. You were the closest person to him. I’m the kind of man, if you can’t treat your woman well and she can offer you way more than I can, I can’t trust you to be a good friend either.”

“Even if it was a one-time thing?” Realization filled me and my heart squeezed. “Unless it wasn’t a one-time thing.”

“I’ll let you have that conversation with him. She was the only one, but they were definitely in a relationship. It wasn’t just about sex the way he tried to make it seem at the rehearsal.”

I’m not sure why, but hearing that made the wound hurt all over again. Sniffling, I swallowed hard and turned away from the crowd of people.

My heart burned.

My eyes watered.

How long was it going to be this way?

“I’m gonna go,” I told him, wiping a quickly fallen tear.

“Chap,” he called with a strain in his voice.

“I’ll be fine, I promise.”

We both stood but I kept my eyes on the floor until I was sure they wouldn’t release another tear.

“I’m sorry.”

“Hey, you have nothing to apologize for.” Cupping his cheek, I gave him a genuine smile. “You’ve always been and will always be my protector. Thank you for standing up for my honor and being a man of integrity that I can trust. I love you so much for that, Jerry.”

I’d meant to give him a kiss on the cheek, but my aim was a little off and it landed on the side of his mouth. Jeremiah didn’t seem to mind. His eyes lowered to my lips as he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close.

“I’ll let you go so you can have your space, but call me if you need me, a’ight?”

I agreed before heading out. I couldn’t miss the glare Nova sent my way. Though it hadn’t been my intention for him to see the exchange between me and Jerry, I honestly didn’t care. Nova could think whatever he wanted at this point. It wasn’t my responsibility to explain anything to him, especially after what he’d done to all of us.


That Weekend

I still loved Nova.There was no denying that. Every time I saw him, I missed him more. It felt like I was in an alternate universe when I saw him with Tiffany. This was a testament to how much things could change in such a small amount of time. As I sat outside of JD’s, I wasn’t sure if I could handle seeing him this evening. I told myself it was time to get everything out in the open so I could move on, but was I truly ready?

There was only one way to find out.

No matter how nervous I was, this needed to be done.

Getting out of the car, I pulled in what I hoped would be calming breaths as I trembled slightly.

As soon as I stepped inside of JD’s, my nerves eased a bit. JD’s was Nova’s favorite restaurant. He always came here for a drink and to clear his mind. It was next to The View on the beach. What made JD’s so special was that the restaurant doubled as a dancehall. Right in the center of the main floor was a dancefloor. Dinner tables lined the walls with the perfect view of the beach on three sides. Even if you didn’t want to dance, the view alone was worth the expensive prices.

I loved JD’s décor… and it could have had to do with the fact that I’d designed it. To go with the glass theme, I had glass flooring installed with a resin covering that showcased waves and different kinds of ocean creatures. The tables were glass as well, and so was the bar. My smile was wide as I took in the space, and there was only one table empty in the otherwise full restaurant. As the hostess greeted me, I looked around for Nova. I spotted him rather quickly because he was the only person sitting alone at a table. I let her know that I saw my party, and she allowed me to go over on my own.

I took in what I needed to be calming breaths as I walked over to his table. His eyes were on me, like always. I was nervous under his stare, which was odd. This man had seen me for half of my life. Why was I nervous as he looked at me?

Nova stood, giving me a gentle hug. He pulled my chair out for me, and I couldn’t help but admit it was nice to be around him without having to worry about Tiffany showing up.

“Thank you for coming,” he said as he sat down. He was dressed casually for a change in jeans and a white t-shirt. Even in that, the man looked good. “How are you?”

“I’m good, how are you?”

“Better now that I’m with you.” My eyes rolled playfully as I crossed my ankles. “I ordered your food already so we wouldn’t have any interruptions. Is that okay?”

“Depends on what you ordered me.”