Page 16 of Chapel

Olivia healed and moved on beautifully. She, to me, was the perfect example of how God can give a person beauty for their ashes. Now, she was being loved by an emotionally available Black man who showered her with love and anything else she wanted and needed. His stepfather, Seth, was helping to undo a bit of the damage being raised by Brandon had done, but I believed Jeremiah kept his feelings to himself as an act of self-preservation as well.

All throughout Jeremiah’s sentence, Olivia and I made sure he had commissary, money to talk, and we sent him care packages at least twice a week. I wrote him letters faithfully and went to see him as much as he’d allow. When he got out, I paid to have his record expunged and for his Real Estate license. His hustler nature allowed him to bring in six figures as a real estate agent three months after he got his license. Though I told him he didn’t have to, Jeremiah paid back everything I gave and then some.

Now, he was a multi-seven-figure real estate broker who had Rose Valley Hills on lock. There weren’t too many areas he hadn’t touched. Outside of operating as a commissioned agent for the buying and sale of properties, Jerry flipped them for his own profit and had rental properties as well. I was so proud of the man he had become and was confident there was so much more in store for him.

I used to tease him about how he needed a woman to share his success with, but maybe he had the right idea by staying single. He entertained women on the regular, but I couldn’t remember the last serious relationship Jerry was in. Now that I think about it, I don’t think he’s been in one in the last four years since he’s been out. I wondered if it was because he worked so much or simply had no desire for that. Maybe I’d talk to him about it tonight…


Ilaughed hysterically as Jeremiah told me about his run-in with Allegra. He was so serious about me getting him in trouble, and him using a feminine voice for Allegra as he told me what she said only made me laugh harder. Apparently, after I left her place, she went to his and yelled at him forcondoningmy bad behavior.

Jeremiah sucked his teeth as I wiped fresh tears from my eyes from laughing so hard.

“She straight up tried to mother me, Chap, talking about I should be ashamed of myself.”

“Oh my God.” I covered my mouth and held onto my seat as I laughed. “Has she always been like this, Jerry? It seems like she’s different. Is it just me and the fact that I haven’t talked to her in a year’s time?”

Jeremiah’s hand slid over his waves before he scratched his head and put his snapback back on. “I think it’s a little worse now, but she’s always been the judgmental one of the group.”

“Even with me?”

“Yeah, but it didn’t really matter because you didn’t care, so you didn’t talk to her about certain things. You just came to me.”

That was true. I’d forgotten about that. Allegra was my best friend, and we hung out together all the time, but we often talked about basic things. Jeremiah was the one I went to about vulnerable topics or when I needed to talk to someone who would be honest but also gentle with me. Naturally, I talked to Nova a lot too, but even with him, there were certain topics off limits because I didn’t want to say anything that would create tension between us. That should have been a sign that he wasn’t the one, but I figured all couples kept certain secrets.

“You’re right. I don’t usually engage with her like this. It’s been so long, I find myself wanting to bring her even deeper into my life, but now I know that can’t happen. I have to keep her on the same level she’s always been on, or she won’t be on any level with me at all.”

Silence found us, and I was okay with that. We’d come to TJ Mulligans for drinks and pizza, and I was sure we’d play a few rounds of pool before we left. Well, he’d play pool; I’d just shoot the balls around.

My eyes shifted from one TV to the other. They usually had one on those channels that showed funny videos on a loop. That was typically what I watched if no one was playing pool. TJ Mulligans was the average neighborhood bar. What made this place so popular was the cheap drinks and heavy-pouring bartenders. Plum or strawberry wine and whiskey were most popular in Rose Valley Hills, but here, I loved having top-shelf tequila with a Red Bull.

When Jeremiah began to speak again, I shifted my attention to him. He looked great as always. There was something about a Black man wearing black with gold chains that did something to me. Took me down every time. Our days weren’t cool just yet, but nighttime breezes made it feel a little more like fall. He’d worn a thick black and white flannel that matched his Dunks but he’d taken it off. Now, muscles bulged underneath his form-fitting black tee. Between the tattoos and chains, women of all races had been eyeing Jeremiah all night, and I didn’t blame them one bit.

“How are things going with your folks?” he asked before taking a sip of his beer. He’d been alternating between it and a glass of whiskey.

“Tierney was happy to spend some time with me. Dad wasn’t there as usual. Things are cool with Ma, but we did have an awkward moment. She wants me to give Nova a second chance.” He released a laugh from his belly, but it wasn’t one of amusement. “She told me all men cheat and that I have to find one that’s worth staying for.”

His nostrils flared and expression hardened.

“Mama Farrah really said that bogus ass shit to you?”

I nodded, not surprised by his reaction. If anyone could understand my frustration with Nova cheating, it was him.

“Yep, she did, and she was serious too.”

“You know that’s bullshit, right? All men don’t cheat. I never have, and I never will, and every other man in my life outside of my pops and Nova don’t either.”

“I know. In my mind I know, but my heart…” I shrugged, not really wanting to talk about that. We were having a good time and I didn’t want thinking about cheating to ruin that. “And I know you’re faithful. You’re going to make a great husband.”

Jeremiah’s brows raised. His head shook as he chuckled. “Nah, that’s not for me.”

We’d talk about everything under the sun and not once had he ever mentioned not wanting to get married.

“This is new. What makes you say that?”

The bartender placed another shot of tequila in front of me without me having to ask. That’s why I loved it here. I thanked him as I allowed Jerry to have time to process my question. He took a sip of his whiskey before crossing his arms on top of the bar.

“I’m not willing to change who I am to please a woman. She’ll tell me I’m not soft enough, not expressive enough. And I don’t want to raise kids like I was raised. I would want them to be better than me and have better than me. Since I’m still working on me, I can’t confidently say I want marriage or kids… not any time soon.”