Page 12 of Chapel

“I’m good, how are you?”

“Good. Thank you for this. You didn’t have to get her anything, but I really appreciate it.”

“Of course, you’re my best friend.” Allegra gave me a soft smile. “Is it okay that I’m here? Is her dad here?”

“Yeah, it’s cool, and he and I aren’t together.”

“Oh.” I followed her into the living room, holding the questions I wanted to ask. I wanted to know who the father was and if they were in a relationship, but I figured Allegra would tell me with time. As much as I hated the static that was between us, I accepted that it was my doing. Best friends or not, if she needed time to adjust to me being back, I’d give her that.

“Where’s my baby?” I asked, sitting on her blue couch. I’d designed her entire home for her except her master bedroom. The living room had a blue, gray, and white color scheme to match the eight-hundred-dollar rug she’d seen and fell in love with. It was fun working the room around a single item, and I was glad she loved what I’d come up with.

“She’s taking a nap but should be up soon.”

“How’s her room set up?”

Allegra chuckled. “You want to see it huh?”

“Yes,” I replied quickly, and we both laughed.

“Okay, you can when she gets up, but don’t laugh at it. It’s simple in design. I didn’t really have a lot of creative energy after finding out about her. It’s literally baby pink and princess-themed.”

That seemed like a good opening to ask questions, so I did. “So… she was unplanned?”

Allegra gave me a snort of a laugh as she nodded and relaxed further on the couch. The TV was low, so low I could barely hear the words. I wondered how she’d been entertaining herself before I arrived because the TV certainly wasn’t it. Maybe she was on her phone because it didn’t look like she was asleep. Why did I feel so uncomfortable asking her even the smallest of questions now?

“For sure. Not in the picture at all. It was a one-night stand… a drunken one-night stand.”

“Are you… Do you know who her father is?”

Allegra’s mouth twisted to the side. “Yeah, I know. He’s not someone I would ever be with, though.”

“But he’s in her life? If not, I’ll be her stepdaddy.”

That made her laugh like I hoped it would, but her eyes were still watery. “Chap,” she whined, catching tears that made me sit closer to her so I could embrace her. “I messed up—bad. I love my little girl and wouldn’t change having her for anything in this world, but I regret who I made her father. It was truly a mistake, a dumb, drunk mistake.”

“We all make them. No judgment here. The most important thing is that Ava grows up loved and cared for, and that’s going to happen whether her father is in the picture or not.”

She cried harder, held me tighter, and though I hated she was hurt… I was glad I was here to console her. Allegra cried for a little longer before excusing herself. When she came back, she was composed and looking like her normal, laid-back self.

She asked if I was hungry, and I told her no. I’d grabbed a smoothie while I was out shopping and that would keep me full for a while. Besides, I had a taste for a specific salad that I planned to make when I got home. Since Friday, I’d been eating so unhealthy now that I was back home, but I’d need to get my meal prepping going again. That way, my breakfast and lunch would always be taken care of, and I wouldn’t have to eat out so much.

“How does it feel to be back?” she asked, surfing through Hulu for something new to watch.

“I don’t think I’ve fully processed being back yet honestly. It’s a lot to take in.”

“Yeah, especially with you immediately coming back to work. I can understand why you did though.”

I didn’t respond. Before I came back, I planned to tell Jeremiah and Allegra about my intentions. Though I didn’t have to, because we were all friends, I felt they deserved to know before it happened. Now, I wasn’t really sure I trusted Allegra with my truth. I didn’t think she’d go behind my back and tell Nova what I was up to, but I did think she’d try to talk me out of it.

There was a time Allegra would be down for whatever, just like Jeremiah, if I’d been done wrong. Now, it seemed she wanted peace more than anything. Maybe it was because being a mother had settled her and she wanted no drama in her life. Whatever the case, I didn’t want to talk to someone who would tell me I was wrong for wanting revenge, and I felt like that was exactly what Allegra would say.

As if she knew I was holding back, Allegra eyed me skeptically. “What are you up to, Chapel?”

Covering my face, I found it impossible to hold back the mischievous sniggle that wanted to erupt, which only made me sound guiltier.

“Nothing,” I lied in a sing-song voice.

“Oh, heck no!” she whispered loudly. “I need all the details… now!”