Page 43 of Chapel

“I’m sorry, I—”

I couldn’t stop myself. All the hurt, pain, betrayal… it came out. Like wind, I was hopping over my desk and tackling her. My fists repeatedly connected with her face as she screamed for help, but I didn’t care. I couldn’t care. I couldn’t stop.

I was tired.

Tired of turning the other cheek.

Tired of those I love betraying me.

Tired of people getting far more grace than they deserve.

Tears began to blur my eyes so badly I could hardly see. Strong arms lifted me off her body. I didn’t know who it was. It was all a blur. Why couldn’t this all be a dream?

“What the fuck is going on?” Jeremiah asked, rushing into my office.

I turned, eyes widening at the sight of Nova. “Did you know!” I yelled, elbowing him in his chin. “You slept with my best friend, Nova! How could you?” I tried to hit him again, but this time, he was prepared to block it. “Did you know Ava is your fucking baby!”

“What?” He and Jeremiah yelled simultaneously.

“That’s my child, and you’ve kept her from me all this time?” Nova asked, jerking a disoriented Allegra up by her arm.

“What’s going on?” Tiffany asked, pressing her way between Jeremiah and Nova.

Something snapped inside of me. Before I could stop myself, I was punching her in her eye. By the time Jeremiah had gotten me off Tiffany, I’d hit her three more times.

“All y’all need to get the fuck up outta here!” I yelled as Jeremiah carried me out. “I want you all gone! Get out!”

As I sobbed, Jeremiah quickened his pace. I didn’t care who saw me. I didn’t care what they said. How they felt. I didn’t have it in me to be strong anymore. My whole world had shifted on its axis yet again, and yet again, Nova Cane was at the center of it.

With my best friend.

Just the thought had my cries growing louder as Jeremiah carried me to the elevator. He hit the emergency button as he placed me on my feet, but I slid down the wall.

“I’m not taking you to the first level until you compose yourself,” he said, and I appreciated his concern.

I’m not sure how long we stayed in the elevator as I cried, but Jeremiah didn’t turn the emergency button off until I was all cried out. He pulled me to my feet and wiped my tears before slathering my face with kisses. When the elevator dinged, he pulled me into his chest and covered my face with his arm. He was my guide, getting me safely outside and into his car without anyone else seeing me.

I didn’t speak.

Not on the ride. Not when we got back to his place. Not for hours. The sun had gone down when Jeremiah decided he couldn’t take the silence anymore.

“Promise me that you won’t let this make you run away again,” he said, hovering over me as I lay in bed.

I couldn’t promise him that. Not right now anyway. If I ran again, it wouldn’t be out of pain; it would be to avoid causing anyone else pain.

“Angel… I’ll lock you up here if I have to. I’m not letting you leave me again.”

That made me smile, but tears soon followed. When I sniffled, he made his way inside the bed and cuddled up behind me.

“I didn’t come home for this, Jerry.”

“I know, baby.”

“How could they not tell me?”

“When would they have had the time? Things have been so off between all of us.” My body stiffened against him, and he held me tighter to ensure I wouldn’t leave. “They both were wrong, and I’m not denying that, but Lay was even more wrong for not telling Nova about his child.”

“Have you talked to either of them?”