Page 42 of Chapel

For the rest of the night, he taught me a lesson—one that would ensure I never downplayed the act of giving myself to him with anyone else again.


The Next Morning

I walkedinto my office on a cloud. Not only had I spent the evening with my crew, and it almost felt like old times, but having Jeremiah inside of me before falling asleep in his arms was the perfect combination for an amazing night of sleep. My smile wavered slightly when I saw Allegra pacing in my office. For her to be anxious this early in the morning, nothing good could come from that.

“Hey, everything okay?” I asked, allowing the door to automatically shut behind me.

When Allegra looked up, I saw the redness in her eyes.


“We need to talk.”

Instead of sitting at my desk, I headed over in her direction. She put space between us, and that alarmed me more.

“Is this business or personal?”


“Okay, what is it?”

Allegra pulled in a deep breath. She squeezed her neck and took another step back. “I never wanted this to come out, but I can’t hide it anymore. Last night was great and if we’re going to have a chance at getting our friendship back on track, I have to be completely honest.”

“Honest about what, Allegra?”

“Have a seat.”

Okay. Now she was really scaring me. If she believed whatever she had to say would make me weak at the knees, did I really want to know?

Behind my desk, I took a seat and tried to mentally prepare for whatever she had to say. I couldn’t think of anything worth this level of dramatics. Allegra stood in front of my desk, and as a tear slipped down her cheek, she spoke.

“A month after you left, I couldn’t ignore how lonely I was anymore. The guys weren’t on speaking terms and hanging out with them one on one wasn’t the same, so when I lost you, I lost both of them, too.”Oh, hell. Are we back onthisagain?“I started dating and this guy that I’d really started to like stood me up. I was pissed and drinking and… Nova showed up.” She sniffled. My heart stopped. “We started talking about how different things were. How angry we were that you’d left the way you did. I expressed my hurt and he wanted to make sure I had a good time, so we went back to my place and started drinking all over again.”

Oh, God.


“Please.” She lifted her hands and released a shaky breath. “I need to get this out.” Nodding, I closed my eyes and let her continue. “I drank a lot, Chap. More than I had in a really long time. We had sex and I honestly was too drunk to remember most of it. Ava… she’s my memory of that night.” My eyes popped open. “Nova is her father.”

I felt like The Bride onKill Billwhen that alarm started ringing and red lights began to blink. It had already taken a significant amount of self-control to not knock Tiffany’s teeth out of her mouth every time I saw her but this… this was different.

This was personal.

She wasn’t a random woman I barely knew who had carried on with my man.

She was my best fucking friend that had a baby with him.

Did he know?

Chuckling, I began to rock in my seat.

“All this time.” My head shook as my heart raced. “All this time you’ve been giving me hell about leaving you meanwhile you’ve been hidingthis?”


“You had Nova’s baby and you’ve looked me in my face every fucking day and didn’t think I needed to know?”