Page 40 of Chapel

I went back to where I was standing originally, and not too long after, Allegra and Nova showed up. He told me he wasn’t going to bring Tiffany, and I was glad I didn’t have to ask him not to do that.

“Hey, boo,” I greeted, hugging Lay.

“Hey, boo. Have y’all been here long?”

“Maybe like an hour.”

“I wish we could have gotten here sooner for the trail ride,” Allegra said.

“We can come back next weekend,” I offered, just as the song ended.

When Jeremiah made his way over to us, he took his shirt off my shoulder and used it to wipe the sweat that had accumulated on his face. He hugged Allegra and tossed Nova a nod before extending his moonshine to him. It was faint, but a smile lifted the corners of Nova’s lips as he accepted.

That was a start.

We led them over to where we were sitting on lawn chairs away from the dirt. After Jeremiah took his seat on the low-sitting lawn chair, he pulled me down to his lap. Allegra’s eyes widened as I wrapped my arms around his neck. She sat up in her seat and looked over at Nova as Jeremiah gripped my thigh. He did that often. He said my thighs wereimmaculate. I think that’s why I was anxious to have him between them again.

“Um, is this the twilight zone? Am I missing something?”

Her serious expression caused us all to laugh.

“They aren’t dating but he’s her lover,” Nova answered, shooting me a wink.

“Her lover?” Allegra repeated, taking the blunt from Jerry’s hand. “Y’all fucked and you ain’t tell me?” She looked over at Nova. “And how are you okay with this?”

“A person can be your lover and it have nothing to do with sex,” I replied. Though we had made love, that wasn’t something I wanted to talk about in front of Nova. True enough, I’d had to see him with Tiffany for weeks on end, but still. I wasn’t that malicious. It was awkward enough even sitting on Jeremiah’s lap in front of him, but I wouldn’t deny him just to placate Nova. “Jeremiah is the lover of my soul. Is that okay with you, Lay?”

“Is that okay with you?” she asked Nova.

Nova shrugged as he slumped down further in his seat. “I’m man enough to admit I fumbled Chap. I wasn’t ready for a serious relationship or marriage. I fucked up my chance with her. If Jeremiah has one, I’m not going to stand in the way of that. I want them both to be happy. If that’s with each other… I’ll adjust.”

“Are you ready for marriage now?” I asked, hoping he intended to keep the promise he’d made me.

“Look, this ain’t about me, aight? This is about us. So either we drinking or I’m leaving.”

As much as I wanted to call him out on his deflecting, I let it ride. He was right. I’d called them here so we could try to restore our bond. Even if he and Jeremiah didn’t talk among themselves, just sharing their drink and being in each other’s space without the tension was progress, and I was truly grateful for it.

Time passed, and we genuinely enjoyed ourselves. One jar of moonshine turned into two, and before I knew it, we were all good and drunk. A brief argument between Jeremiah and Nova turned into them both apologizing. Then, they started talking and enjoying themselves like no amount of time had passed. It always tickled me how easy it was for men to become friends and resolve their issues. By the time we’d decided to go home, they were making plans to work out together in the morning.

Nova and Jeremiah were sober enough to drive, and thankfully, Allegra had taken an Uber. Since I was going home with Jeremiah, Nova offered to take Allegra home and she agreed. It felt like old times, except, I would have been going home with Nova and Jerry would have been taking Allegra home. Either way, I was just glad we’d been able to unwind and have a great time.

It took us about forty-five minutes to get to Jeremiah’s place, and I slept the entire drive. After my nap, I’d gone from drunk to a happy, hungry tipsy. Nova had called to let Jerry know he’d dropped Allegra off and made it home himself, so I was able to rest my mind and not have to worry about either of them.

I found myself following Jerry into his bathroom instead of the guest bathroom I usually occupied to shower. Truth was, I was horny, and far too much time had passed since the last time I’d had Jeremiah inside of me. Even though Jeremiah hadn’t said anything about my comment about him being the lover of my soul, I realized what type of time he was on when I tried to join him in the bathroom, and he stopped me.

“Wha—?” I tried to drop his arm since he was using it as a block against the door, but he didn’t budge. “Let me in,” I demanded with a pout.


“So we can shower.”

“Go shower in your bathroom.”

“I want to shower with you.” My foot stomped softly. I wasn’t spoiled, by any means, with anyone… except my Jerry. There weren’t too many instances where he hadn’t let me have my way. I didn’t suspect me wanting to have my way with him to be the time that changed.

“For what?”

“I want you.”