Page 2 of Chapel

Tugging my bottom lip between my teeth, I made a pit stop at the large bubble gum machine that was next to the counter. It was a ritual at this point to grab a piece of gum and cherry vanilla coke with lime while I waited for my food. Once I had my gum, I popped it in my mouth, then headed to the counter where a young, cheery girl was waiting to greet me with a smile.

“Hey, love! Welcome to Just Winging It. What can I get you?” I eyed her face intently. She was vaguely familiar. My head tilted, causing her to laugh. “Are you trying to figure out why I look so familiar?”

With a chuckle, I nodded. “I am actually.”

“I’m the owner’s granddaughter.”

“Oh, it makes perfect sense now. Where my boyfriend at anyway?”

Her face covered with disgust, and I cackled. Her grandfather was a cute, older gentleman who flirted with almost every pretty woman that came into his establishment. He had a softer spot in his heart for the ones who entertained him, and I was a part of that number. Anytime I came while he was here, I always ended up with double the amount of food I ordered along with his reminder that he’dloveto be my sugar daddy.

“Ew. He’s in the back. You want me to go get him?”

“Just tell him Chap is back whenever you go back there. I’ll stick around and wait to see him.”

“Wait,you’reChap?” Her arms crossed over her chest as she leaned against the counter. “He has asked about you so many times since I started working here. He’s always talking about how he misses seeing one of his favorite girls. I’m gonna go get him now.”

Hearing that Darron had been thinking about me made my eyes water as my heart squeezed. I covered it, laughing softly under my breath. There was a part of me that knew people would wonder where I was and what I was up to, but I didn’t care. Maybe it was a mix of embarrassment along with my pain that made it hard for me to talk to anyone about what had been going on with me. In my mind, I realized the only thing I’d done wrong was love and trust a man who couldn’t be faithful, yet somehow, I felt like I should have just… known.

Gripping the edge of the counter, I inhaled a deep breath, trying to prepare to see Darron. I prayed he wouldn’t ask me how I was and what I’d been doing. How could I tell him or anyone else the truth? That I’d spent the last year crying and licking my wounds?

“There’s my girl!” At the sound of Darron’s voice, I lifted my head.

His eyes were wide as he gave me a dimpled smile.

“Hey, Zaddy!”

Darron laughed as he rounded the corner, arms wide and waiting for me to enter. “Come here, Chap. God, it’s good to see that pretty face. How could you leave me for almost a year? You know I need to see you on the regular.”

I grinned so hard my cheeks hurt. Darron held me tight. Close. I hadn’t been held in eleven months and twenty-eight days.

I needed this.

My eyes fluttered as they watered, but I refused to let a tear fall. Instead, I pulled in a shaky breath and giggled as Darron gently rocked me from side to side.

“Damn, Chap. I really missed you, girl. I’m so happy to see you.”

“You too, Darron. Seriously. I needed this hug.”

“I got one for you anytime you need it.” Still holding me in a side embrace, Darron turned toward his granddaughter and told her, “Give her whatever she wants on me.”

“Aww, you don’t have to do that, Darron.”

“I insist, and I’m fixing it myself to make sure it’s right.” After giving me another hug, Darron made his way back into the kitchen.

“All right, so what can I get ya?” his granddaughter asked as the front doorbell chimed.

“Hmm…” I made my way more in front of her to look at the menu that hung above her head, though I was sure I’d get what I always got. “I’ll take a ten piece, all flats. Honey hot with lemon pepper seasoning for half and dry zesty seasoning for the other.”

“Do you want fries on the side, or would you like something else?”

“Fries are cool, but can I also get an order of fried green tomatoes and okra?”

“I got you. And what would you like to drink?”

“Cherry vanilla coke with lime.”

“Cool. I’ll get this in now an—”