Page 19 of Chapel

“Whatever. If Nova was happy with her, he wouldn’t have cheated with me.”

“Now that’s true.” That was Vana, no doubt about it. She stayed in everyone’s business.

“No, it’s really not,” Brook Lynn countered. “Men with no respect or discipline will have sex with literally anyone who lets them. Him cheating doesn’t mean Tiffany is better than Chapel; it simply means she was easy.”

The legs of her chair screeched, so she must have been getting up from her seat.

“What the hell are you even here for?” Tiffany asked.

“I’m not sure, but I won’t be here for long. If all you plan to do is talk shit about Chapel, please don’t invite me to have lunch with you again.”

At the sound of heels clacking against the tile, I leaned against the wall with a smile. Brook Lynn’s eyes widened at the sight of me. I lifted my finger to my lips to silence her and gave her an assuring smile. Once she was close enough, I gave her a soft hug and quietly thanked her for having my back.

“Always,” she whispered before heading down the hall.

After pulling in a deep breath, I made my way into the coffee room. At the sight of me, Tiffany and Vana’s laughter immediately silenced. I looked from one to the other. My posture was strong, and I walked with wide, confident steps. Before I went to fix my coffee, I walked over to the round, white table where they were seated. Leaning forward, I placed my hands on top of the table.

“Vana, get out.”

She stood and quickly left, holding her head down in the process. I had a feeling she was waiting in the hall to hear what I would say, but I didn’t really care. As long as Tiffany heard me clearly and understood my stance, that was my only concern. Out of professionalism, I sent Vana away, but if Tiffany kept trying me, no amount of professionalism would keep me from showing her who I truly was no matter who was around.

“I’m only going to say this once,” I started. Tiffany chuckled and rolled her eyes before returning them to mine. “The only reason I haven’t beat your ass is because I don’t fight over a man. Now you’re lucky to even have a job. If you choose to spend your time here disrespecting me, not only will I fire you, but I’m going to give you the ass-whupping youtrulydeserve.”


“Keep my name out your fucking mouth,” I ordered through gritted teeth a little louder, and that was a sign for me to get the hell away from this girl before I hurt her. “Do you understand me?” When she didn’t answer me, I walked around the table and stood directly in front of her. “I said do you understand me, Tiffany?”

Standing, she nodded. “Understood.”

“Is… everything okay in here?” At the sound of Nova’s voice, I huffed and pinched my lips together. With a high chin, I crossed my arms over my chest and tried to relax my posture, which was the opposite of how irritated I was feeling on the inside.

“Everything’s great,” Tiffany answered after plastering on a smile. She walked over to him and wrapped her arms around him from the side. “Chapel and I were just… getting some boundaries in place I suppose.”

As amused as I was, I remained silent and kept my expression neutral.

I busied myself with making a cup of coffee, not giving a damn if they stayed or left.

“Hey, Chap,” Nova called, gaining my attention. I looked back at him over my shoulder, and I couldn’t help but smile. “Can you fix me a cup too?”

“Sure,” I agreed, just to get under Tiffany’s skin.

“I can get you a latte from the café, babe,” Tiffany offered.

“Nah. I want Chap’s. She makes the best coffee. You can go and get you one though.”

Tiffany’s fists tightened and she gave him a curt nod. As she stomped off, I held in my laugh. Nova smiling as he walked over to the espresso machine didn’t make it any better.

“She’s so scared to leave me alone with you,” he admitted quietly.

“I don’t blame her.” I shot him a playful wink that made his smile widen.

He smelled good.

I missed flirting with him.

I missed being with him.

A year away may have deepened my hate, but it certainly didn’t erase my love. Good thing was, I was fully aware of the fact that love wasn’t enough. And that fact was what would keep me from falling in love with this man all over again.