“Pull the car over,” Londen commanded, and only a few seconds passed before Keith was pulling over on the side of the road. When he got out and gave them privacy, Londen continued. “Two things,” he started calmly, looking over at her. “You do not curse at me or raise your voice, nor will you ever disrespect me, especially in front of someone else.”
“I told you I wanted to go home.”
“And I asked you why. You could have answered with the same calm tone I’m using with you without cursing at me. So we’re going to try this again.” When Lei huffed and crossed her arms over her chest, he added, “And you’re going to lose the fucking attitude too.”
Lei looked out of the window and stared out into the night sky. She took deep breaths, hoping they would calm herself. Getting to the root of her true issue, she asked herself why she was truly upset. For her, anger was often a safer expression of her true feelings. And in that moment, her true feeling was fear. Eyes watering, Lei allowed her shoulders to drop.
“I just got you, baby. You can’t go back to prison… especially over something so silly as a man grabbing my ass.”
Londen took her hand into his and kissed it. Lowering it onto the seat, he held it and stroked it with his thumb.
“Look at me, Lei.” Slowly, she turned in his direction. “I’ll die before I ever let anyone violate or disrespect you. I don’t give a fuck where I am or who it is. No one will ever get away with that.” Londen’s grip on her tightened as his breathing turned shaky. Just the thought of someone violating her was getting him riled up again. “I apologize for putting you in fear of losing me, but you can trust that I’m not going to do anything to go back to prison. Not that it changes anything, but I know the owner of this casino. All I have to do is call him and he’ll have the security footage wiped, so I’m good. Even if I didn’t know the owner, I’m not worried about that sending me to prison.”
“You might not be, but I am. All I could think about was losing you. My life has been so much better with you in it. I do apologize for yelling and cursing at you, especially because you were protecting me, but I couldn’t help myself. That fear came out as anger, and you didn’t deserve that.”
“Com’ere,” he requested, tugging her hand gently. Unbuckling her seatbelt, Lei straddled his lap. He placed his hand over her chest, holding it there until her heartbeat steadied. The longer she stared into his eyes, the calmer she felt. “I love you, and I’m going to protect you. I can’t apologize for that or tell you it won’t happen again. What I can say is that I’ll try not to react so quickly physically, but I’ll go to war with God behind you, so it’s really off with these niggas heads while we’re on earth.”
Tugging her bottom lip between her teeth as she smiled, Lei rested her forehead on his.
“I love you too. You’re so gentle with me I forgot who you are,” Lei admitted.
“And who am I to you? Did I scare you?” Between the hesitance in his tone and concern in his eyes, Lei’s heart squeezed.
“Not at all. I was scared for you, but I wasn’t scared of you. All I could think about was how many witnesses there would be if charges were pressed against you. Even I wouldn’t be able to talk you out of that.”
Londen chuckled. “Good. It would break my heart if you no longer felt safe with me.”
“I feel safer with you. Honestly, it was a little sexy.”
“Yeah?” The sight of him licking his lips as he gripped her waist had Lei swallowing a moan.
“Mhm.” She rocked her hips against him and sucked his bottom lip into her mouth for a deep kiss. When his hand slid under her shirt, Lei pulled away. “What about Keith?”
“He’s not going to get back in until I knock on the window.”
“Babe, we can’t leave him out there long!”
“Then you’ll need to cum quick…”
“I could dothis shit for hours,” Londen muttered against Lei’s ear before kissing it.
With a giggle, she turned slightly to place a sweet kiss to his lips.
“I haven’t done this for pleasure in years. You make all things better. This is so much fun!”
They’d randomly decided to turn a room in her home into a music room. Londen had been dying to play something with her after finding out about all the instruments she played. There was a grand piano in her sitting room, but Lei admitted she never played it. Apparently, her experience with Hamilton and Jennifer ruined instruments for her. Londen could understand that, but he was grateful that playing with him corrected that traumatizing time in her life.
Trying out a keyboard led to them playing together so well they’d garnered a crowd. The more they played, the more Londen’s mind shifted to other things. He’d never felt so compatible with a woman before, and their differences balanced each other out. Londen was trying his hardest not to rush and propose because he was sure they had forever together, but every day that passed he wanted to legally make her his more and more.
They ended up playing a little while longer before making their way over to the drums. After deciding on two sets, they headed to the front to check out. Their order was so large it would have to be delivered by truck and Londen was okay with that.
After checking out, they headed to the ice cream shop next door. Lei got a classic strawberry waffle cone while Londen was more adventurous with a kitchen sink mix that was every flavor mixed up. Sitting across from each other, Londen looked her face over intently as she licked her ice cream. The visual was filling his mind with naughty thoughts.
Clearing his throat, Londen shook the thoughts away. There was something he’d been needing to talk to her about and he couldn’t put it off any longer.