The series of crying emoji she sent made him laugh. Standing, Londen told Noah, “Don’t let nobody get on my shit. I’m not done.”

“Got you, brotha.”

Londen left the library and made his way back to his cell. He grabbed a hundred-dollar bill from under his Bible and handed it to the guard, who gave him an iPhone in return. Londen sent a text to Walter, one of his personal assistants, letting him know he was about to call.

“You good?” Walter answered.

“Yeah. I’m about to send you an address. I need you to go to Aoki’s warehouse and have her to make twelve dozen bouquets of red roses. Pay her whatever she needs to make that happen today. While you wait, go to Elite or Smoke, whoever has it available, and get a necklace or bracelet that has a diamond crown. Have it all delivered to the address I’m about to send you, along with champagne and a charcuterie tray from Cree’s restaurant.”

“Got you.”

Londen waited a few seconds for Walter to confirm he had the address, and when he did, he thanked him and disconnected the call.

Making his way back to the library, Londen intentionally walked the long way around. His eyes scanned Tussi’s screen, and at the sight of Yandi’s profile picture, Londen shook his head. It seemed these women were for everyone.

Londen: Apologies for the delay. You’ll be getting a delivery there today.

Royalty: Thank you Londen. You’re really sweet.

Londen: I’m actually not.

Royalty: What do you think that was then?

Londen: An exchange. I value your time and attention so I rewarded you for it.

Royalty: Oh, so you’re that type?

Londen: What type?

Royalty: The type who can’t be sweet and kind. Are you that much of a gangster Londen?

Londen chuckled, considering his words carefully.

This was why he liked her.

Londen: I’m a gangsta and a gentleman, but honoring your time, to me, isn’t sweet. Saying it’s sweet suggests I did that as a pleasantry. Any nigga can do that. I did it because I honor you making me a priority. That sweet shit comes and goes, but my honor and value are what will always remain.

Almost a minute passed before Lei replied.

Royalty: I like you.

Licking his lips to hide his smile, Londen mumbled under his breath, “I like you too.”


“Oh my God.”

Lei’s eyes watered at the sight before her. Lei hadn’t allowed herself to have assumptions or expectations about what Londen was going to do because if they weren’t fulfilled that would lead to disappointment. Even if she had allowed herself to consider options, none of them would have matched what London had actually done.

“A dozen, dozen roses.” She gasped, covering her mouth. Giggling, Lei stepped further into the room. Her eyes widened at the sight of the diamond necklace. Lifting it, she ran her fingers across the sparkling crown. “Wow, this is beautiful.”

“All I need to know is who sent this and does he have a brother.”

With a laugh, Lei turned to face Normani, her receptionist.

“Honestly, I don’t know if he has a brother or not. There’s still so much I don’t know about him.” Lei paused, taking in the charcuterie tray from her favorite grazing restaurant. “If I would have known he was doing all this, I wouldn’t have given him your address. I’m so sorry about all this traffic.”

“It’s totally fine, Lei. I’m just glad you’re finally letting a man spoil you.”