Londen remained silent, doing the math. He’d always been intuitive and a quick thinker. The last job Londen executed was for Ace… in Memphis. All Ace told Londen was that a man had taken something of value to him and he needed a permanent punishment. That was all Londen needed to hear. He went to Memphis and killed the man without losing a second of sleep over it.

Two months later, Londen was arrested in Memphis and charged with a murder he didn’t commit. Londen had so many bodies under his belt it seemed like Poetic Justice for him to be tried and convicted for the one he didn’t do. Between the prosecutor having a list of victims that she promised to spend her career tying him to and his attorney assuring Londen that his best bet was to take a plea deal to avoid life in prison, Londen settled for the twenty-five-year sentence with the promise of parole after year ten. In exchange, he would have to admit guilt and the prosecutor would admit to not having enough evidence to successfully try and win a case against him.

Londen hadn’t expected Ace to do anything for him while he was incarcerated, but finding out the man he was being charged with murdering was a body Ace collected made it all make sense. Apparently, the gun used was the same one Ace had given Londen to handle his Memphis problem with, and that’s why Ace wanted the case closed as quickly as possible. If that gun was tied to Hamilton’s murder or anyone else’s, there was a great chance Ace would eventually become a suspect.

It didn’t make sense to Londen for Ace to be handling those types of problems on his own. That was literally what he paid people like Londen for. If Acedidkill the man, it had to be warranted.

“Was she the reason?”

Ace didn’t reply right away, and Londen didn’t feel the need to provide more details. Ace knewexactlywhat he was referring to.

“Yeah, she was.” Londen’s head bobbed once. He didn’t mind catching that body even more now. Hamilton was the one that had taken Ace’s baby girl and brought his entire family a lot of pain. He deserved what he’d gotten… and then some.

“Is she using her real name?”

“She’s using Royalty. I told her to limit as many personal details as possible. I think her profile will say she’s an author, which is true. She writes legal guides, but no one can know who she is and that she’s connected to me and my son.”

“I got you.”

“Thank you. I’ll reach out through Bloom in a few days.”

“Aight, bet.”

Londen disconnected the call and handed the phone back to Bloom. Until now, Londen had no desire to sign up for the pen pal program, but he would to keep Ace in the loop. It would be easy to weed out who was talking to who. As much as men liked to clown women for gossiping, they could gossip to. And when a person was locked up twenty-three hours out of the day, sometimes all they had to do was talk.



We matched.I’m a little unsure why, and I hope you don’t take offense to that. I knew we were options but I didn’t think you’d actually click Match if that makes sense. Based on what you said you were looking for in a friend and lover, I thought you’d skip right past me. It’s nice to meet you. Can you tell me what made you want to connect?

Lei rubbedher fingers together before sending the letter to Tussi. She had two more men that she had to message. Unlike other apps, since she matched them first, she would have to message them first as well. The task of initiating a conversation with men was foreign to Lei, and she was honestly glad she’d soon be meeting Infinity for lunch so they could talk. Now that the process had started, Lei was tempted to change her mind. The desire to prove Lexus wrong had gotten her into a situation that she wouldn’t otherwise place herself in.

While Lei stood behind what she’d said and what she believed, she didn’t need any new friends, and she wasn’t in the market for male companionship. She’d convinced herself that she was just trying to save face, but now that she had to put herself out there, Lei was dreading connecting with men just for the friendships to turn sour.

Trauma was a motherfucker.

Healing felt like a scheme.

No matter how healthy she felt emotionally and mentally, the most random times and things could remind her of the pain of her past.

Being lied to by the people she thought were her parents for over twenty years, combined with her supposed sister sleeping with her fiancé, had seemingly scarred Lei in a place she was unable to reach. If people you loved could harm you in such a way, Lei feared what a stranger was capable of doing.

“Just do it,” she grumbled, clicking theComposebutton to send a message to Andre.


Hi.It’s nice to meet you. Your profile is interesting in an elusive kind of way. You gave just enough to pique my interest and make me want to know more. Is there more to you as your profile suggests?

Scratchingthe center of her forehead, Lei released a huff. She checked the time on her phone, noticing she had seven minutes left before she’d need to leave if she was going to be on time for lunch with Infinity.

At the sight of Cade’s text, she opened their thread to respond.

Brother: Where you at?

Home now. I’ll be heading out soon.

Brother: Where you going?