“Look, Londen, I know this might be hard for you, but you have to believe me when I say my son…”
“He’sourson,” Londen roared. “Regardless of what you and this nigga got going on, that’s my blood.”
“Okay,” Felicia agreed with a shaky voice, hands lifted in surrender. “Our son is good. Please don’t come and disrupt his life.”
Londen cupped his hands over his mouth. Lei held on to the silence as she waited for him to speak.
“You’re out your motherfucking mind if you think I’m going to live in this world knowing another man is raising my son. First, I’m going to sue the state of Tennessee for letting you do this, and you better hope I don’t sue you and your weak ass husband too. Then, I’m going to regain my rights to my son and start to establish a relationship with him. It will be a gentle, slow process and I’m going to make sure he has all the resources and help he needs for this adjustment, but I’m going to be in his life, and there’s not shit you can do to stop me.”
Londen stood and walked away, and his steps were so long and fast Lei could barely keep up. As they made their way to their private floor in the hotel, Londen was on the phone making several calls to attorneys and private investigators, giving orders to ensure Felicia was watched and not able to run away with his son.
Lei gave him space and took that time to call her parents and let them know they wouldn’t be returning today. From the sound of it, Londen had a lot to do, and Memphis was where he needed to be.
Three DaysLater
It wastheir last day in Memphis, and Londen couldn’t wait to get home. He’d made a lot of moves as far as regaining his rights to Landon, but it would still be a lengthy process. First, he’d have to win his lawsuit, and with the way courts were, they weren’t going to expedite that process. Though Londen was anxious to be in his son’s life, he was patient. This would have to be done the right way. As much as he wanted to send a crew into Felicia’s home and leave no one but his son alive, that would frame him as the monster Felicia tried to make him out to be. So as hard as it was to leave Memphis without seeing his son again, Londen had to find peace with that.
Lei had been a gem… there when needed, giving space when not, keeping him focused on what was right instead of allowing his hate and ego to rule him. If there was any doubt in Londen’s mind that Lei was the woman for him, she’d proven it on this trip to Memphis. He had something very special planned for her when they made it back home, but for now, there was still a matter of importance that they needed to handle themselves.
After having room service delivered, Londen placed the pregnancy tests he’d gotten on the tray, then took it into the bedroom. Lei was in the middle of the bed, channel surfing. They had another three hours before they needed to check out, and she was taking full advantage of the rest. Londen loved this carefree side of her and wished she’d allow him to bless her with the ability to experience it every day, but Lei insisted on working, even if she didn’t have any new clients right now.
“Aw, aren’t you just full of sugar. Thank you, babe.”
Chuckling, Londen reminded her, “I’ve told you about calling me sweet.”
“Yeah, yeah. Bring me my food.”
Lei’s smile faded at the sight of the pregnancy tests on the tray. She bit her bottom lip and looked up at him with puppy dog eyes that almost made him want to continue to let her avoid this.
“We need to know, Baby,” Londen reasoned softly, sitting in bed next to her.
Her chin trembled and head tilted as she huffed. “I know. I just don’t want to take the test and it be negative.”
“Well, if it is, that’ll just mean we have more time with each other. It won’t be the end of the world if you aren’t pregnant, Lei.”
“I had fibroids,” she blurted, avoiding his eyes. “They came right after I moved to Rose Valley. I felt slight differences, but it wasn’t until I missed my period for three months straight that I went ahead and made an appointment with my gynecologist. She wanted me to wait until I was ready to start my family to have them removed, but I didn’t want to risk getting more or letting the ones I had get bigger, so I had the surgery about six months after that. She couldn’t guarantee me they wouldn’t return, and even though that was a long time ago, I’m scared that’s what this is. I don’t want to get my hopes up thinking I’m pregnant and it turns out the fibroids are back.”
Londen knew all about fibroids because his mother had them. She couldn’t start her family until she had the surgery, and Harem swore that was the best decision she’d ever made. They had severely diminished the quality of her everyday life, and Londen couldn’t imagine the pain of what any woman with fibroids or hormonal and reproductive issues had to go through.
“I’m sorry about that, but I’m glad you made the choice to handle that quickly. If these tests come out negative and the fibroids are back, we’ll handle that. But we need to know what is going on either way.”
“You’re right,” she almost whispered. “I’ll go ahead and take them after we eat.”
With her agreement, Londen scarfed down his food as quickly as he could. Lei laughed because he already ate fast, but it was even worse this time around. She took her time eating, laughing at his annoyance with her pettiness. Still, eventually, she completed her breakfast and headed for the bathroom.
Time slowed down even more as he waited. Regardless of the outcome, Londen reminded himself it would be okay either way. Knowledge was power, and he had to know what was going on with his woman. It was her body, but he’d committed himself to taking care of her for the rest of her life. Seeing her sluggish and in so much discomfort broke his heart. Whatever the reason behind it, Londen needed to know so he could help her take care of it.
Lei opened the bathroom door with a smile. “I don’t want to look.”
“You want me to?”
She laughed. “Yeah, unless you want to call Keith.”
“I’ll call Keith.”
As Londen reached for his phone, Lei laughed even harder. “Londen! Donotmake that man come up here to look at this test.” She walked over to him and took his hand. “Come on. Let’s look together.”