With how things have progressed since I’ve been out, I want to take a moment to make clear my intentions with you. I’ve always told you I wanted you and wanted children, but I also accepted those things might not come immediately. By year’s end, you won’t just be winning that bet, but you’ll also be my fiancée and my wife by next year. I still need to throw something Lexus’ way for suggesting the bet because if she hadn’t, I wouldn’t have you, and you truly are the best thing that’s ever happened to me.
You complement my energy and make me feel like a man. You make me feel needed and wanted. I love how respected and accepted I feel when I’m with you. In our communion, I’ve laughed and smiled more than I have in my adult life. It isn’t because I’ve been unhappy; it’s because I haven’t had a reason to express myself. That changed with you. You make me feel safe. You make me feel whole. You make me feel loved.
I’ll see you soon.
Placingthe letter on her chest, Lei released a content sigh. Lei was sure she’d never be open to love again, but being loved by Londen made her happy she’d taken the risk.
“So when were you going to tell me about this?” Lei asked, pointing at Infinity’s date for the evening. For their date night, Lei planned dinner and a trip to the casino. It wasn’t the most extravagant thing, but Londen loved gambling and winning big, so she knew spending the evening there would put a smile on his face. Lei hadn’t expected to run into her best friend, and she certainly wasn’t expecting to find her with a man.
Though he was attractive, he certainly wasn’t Infinity’s type. Not physically, at least. He was more clean cut than her brother, and that was saying a lot. Cade was rough around the edges, but he didn’t look like it—at all—and that was his superpower.
“Well, it’s not serious enough yet for me to talk about him. I knew if I did, you’d get excited. Plus, I didn’t want you thinking I was a hypocrite.”
“Why would I think that?”
“Because I told you I wasn’t going to date your brother because he isn’t my type, and you can tell just by his looks that Sean isn’t either.”
Lei’s eyes casually scanned Sean’s frame as he talked to Londen. The two had quickly bonded over talks of table games, which didn’t surprise Lei. Londen was a good judge of character, but more than that, men could become the best of friends instantly if they had something in common.
“Well…” Squeezing the back of her neck, Lei chuckled. “Now that you mention it… He doesn’t really look like your type, but I wouldn’t call you a hypocrite for that. It does make me think there’s another reason you don’t want to give Cade a chance, but that’s your prerogative. You don’t have to date anyone you don’t want to. If you’re happy with Sean, that’s all that matters to me.”
A smile spread Infinity’s lips. “I really needed to hear you say that. Honestly…” Infinity rocked on her heels. “Thereisa reason that I don’t want to date Cade that I haven’t shared with you. I don’t want a relationship with him to come between me and you. Cade is charming and flirtatious and not serious about women at all. I feel like he likes me as much as he does because I don’t give him any play, but I don’t know. I just value our friendship too much to risk it for something as fickle as love. I’ll probably always be attracted to Cade, but I’ll never take it there with him because I love you. Nothing will ever be worth losing you.”
Lei’s bottom lip poked out as she fought back her tears. Pulling Infinity into her arms, she whispered into her ear, “I love you so much. Thank you for holding our friendship this sacred. I promise I’ll be the best friend ever, and you’ll never regret this.” Lei cupped Infinity’s chin as she told her, “But you should know I value you just the same, and I won’t let anything come between us either. If you truly wanted to give something with my brother a chance, we’re all mature enough to have clear boundaries. I’m going to support whatever makes you happy, whether that’s being with my brother or not.”
They hugged again, and the feel of a hand grabbing her ass caught her off guard. “Damn, can I join in?”
As Lei turned to face the stranger, Londen was making his way over. Before she could address him, he was being knocked onto his side. Londen’s fist connecting with the side of his head knocked him out instantly.
“Did you really just grab Baby’s ass?” Londen asked, as if the unconscious man could answer. “Niggas get killed for less fucking with me.”
The hard kick Londen sent to the man’s temple was so loud Lei was sure she heard his skull crack.
“Shit!” she yelled, grabbing Londen’s hand. “Okay. We have to gonow.”
Though Londen didn’t fight against the grip she had on his hand, he grumbled under his breath about finishing the man off the whole time they walked off. Lei’s insides burned as her body shook. She couldn’t believe what had happened so quickly. One minute, she was sharing a beautiful moment with her best friend and the next she was watching her lover almost kill a man. And if Lei was to be honest with herself, she knew there was a good chance the man was dead if not severely hurt.
As upset as Lei was over Londen’s lack of self-control, she maintained her composure. If she said something now, they would end up arguing, and they hadn’t done that yet. Though Lei knew all couples had disagreements, she hoped she and Londen continued to have peace.
“Leaving already?” Keith asked, opening the door for her.
She gave him a nod and a small smile, afraid her voice would shake if she talked.
It wasn’t until they were out of the parking lot and heading into traffic that she told Keith, “Take me home, please.”
She saw Londen look at her out of the corner of her eye and chuckle, but he didn’t say anything to her. Instead, he told Keith, “Go back to my place as planned.”
Pushing her hair out of her face, Lei looked over at him. “I want to go home.”
“Because I don’t want to argue with you.”
“Why would you?”
“That was… stupid. We were in a room full of people, and you damn near killed that man. Hell, he mightbedead! Are you out of your fuckingmind?”