“You can say you accept.”
His laugh was light as he nodded in agreement. “Of course. Yes. Thank you. I’m grateful for the offer and the opportunity.”
Standing, Londen put the cigar out and shook Ace’s hand. As happy as he was, there was also a part of him that was unsure. Ace might have wanted Lei to move and work within the secret society, but Londen didn’t think she’d be willing to move to Memphis. Sure, she’d visited him, but that was because she didn’t have to go deep into the city. Who was to say she’d go back to the place where she suffered for the sake of a job and her relationship? Londen didn’t know, but he damn sure hoped she would.
Lei held Jack’s hand,inspecting it carefully. Jaqueline Smith had quickly proven why she wasnothingto fuck with. Londen had reached out to her and told her he had a situation he needed her to handle, because he refused to ever let Lei get her hands dirty. Jack drove down from Memphis with no hesitation. All it took was a brief overview of what happened, and she was pulling up to Yandi’s house to render the punishment she deserved.
The only reason Yandi was still alive was because Lei asked for her life be spared. She already had Marcus’ death on her conscience… Yandi couldn’t be the second. From what Jack described and the look of her hands, there was no doubt in Lei’s mind that she’d done some serious damage to Yandi, who had confessed to the role she played in hopes that it would cause Jack to be gentle.
The cuts and bruising of Jack’s hand caused Lei to wince as she released it.
“I’m grateful for what you did, but it looks like that is painful.”
“It’s nothing. You should see that bitch’s face.” Jack nonchalantly took a sip of her drink.
They’d met at a bar of Jack’s choosing before she headed back to Memphis.
“Did she… was she… remorseful?”
“No. She admitted to what she did because she wanted to save herself, but she didn’t apologize or say she regretted it or anything like that. I thought Londen being there would help her speak her truth, and it did, but even still… she just made it about herself.”
That shouldn’t have disappointed Lei, but it did. For once, she hoped her friend would have realized how flawed her actions were. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case.
“Hey,” Jack called, pulling Lei out of her head. “I know we aren’t close, but fuck her. Anyone who hates themselves enough to reflect that hate onto you is not worthy of your concern and sympathy. Fuck her.”
Jack’s words caused Lei to smile and nod her head in agreement. “Thank you. I really appreciate the sentiment. And we’d be a lot closer if you came to The Hills more, though I understand why you keep your distance.”
Jack sighed and lifted her Jack and Coke to her lips. “It’s just not safe for me to be here for too long. Not right now, at least.” She checked the time on her Rolex before standing. “Speaking of which, I need to get back to Memphis.”
“Okay. Thanks again.” When Jack went into her wallet, Lei stopped her immediately. “No, ma’am. The least I can do is buy you a drink. Put that away.”
“Aight, I got you next time you come to Memphis. Just hit my line.”
Lei agreed, but she didn’t see herself returning to Memphis any time soon. Going to visit Londen was hard enough, but he was her reward. Now, she had no reason to go… not even the potential budding of a friendship with a badass like Jack.
The last time Lei spoke to Londen, he was telling her that Noah could not handle Tussi. He was more clever than they gave him credit for. By the time his plan was put it motion, Tussi was being transferred out. They had no way to find him at the moment, which led Noah and Londen to believe he was being heavily protected. If his name was being kept out of databases, Tussi had finally found a way to exercise his power.
That wasn’t a surprise to Lei. Because he was an informant, certain measures were taken to ensure his safety. If he had any doubts that his plan was going to work, all it would take was one word to the warden that his life was in danger and Tussi would be immediately moved.
All he’d wanted was his freedom—he’d just gone about it the wrong way—and unfortunately for Tussi, things weren’tanywherenear over. He may have been missing now, but Londen was determined to find him. As Lei requested, Tussi’s brother was left alone... until they found out Tussi was gone. His immediate release of her when he found out about his brother had earned grace, but that grace ended when they needed to send a message to Tussi.
Vernon tried to assure them that his death wouldn’t sway Tussi, but Londen thought otherwise. He hadn’t been killed yet, but he was being held, and Londen was confident his funeral would be the only thing that would make Tussi show up.
Though the experience was traumatic, Lei hadn’t lost any sleep over it. She was just glad no harm had come to her. Reflecting on the only positive thing that came out of this, her change in perspective, was what filled Lei with peace.
As she let herself inside of Londen’s place, she wondered when he would be coming home. Her case load was light, and that was intentional. After the mistrial with Garrett, Lei needed a break. It was the most mentally taxing case she’d ever had. As much as she tried not to bring work home, some cases would haunt her and demand she give as much time to them as she possibly could. Garrett had taken something out of her that Lei hadn’t been able to get back, and with everything else going on in her life, Lei was okay with that. She was financially comfortable enough to pay her staff and not take any cases unless she wanted to. Until that happened, Lei was enjoying the rest.
The first thing that caught Lei’s eye was the setup on the living room table. With a large smile, she scurried over. Grabbing the large bouquet of red roses, Lei inhaled their scent before putting them down and giggling at the sight of her favorite sushi roll with a small side of kimchi. Lei picked up the handwritten letter and sat down to read it.
I knowwe don’t have to write each other letters anymore, but I want to. I never want to stop putting forth the effort and doing things to keep that beautiful smile on your face. While you wait for me to return, I want you to ruminate on just how much I love you. We’ve been in each other’s lives for almost four months, but it feels like four lifetimes. I cherish the time we took getting to know each other through those letters. There were things I got to know about you that I probably wouldn’t have taken the time to learn if I was free, but I’m glad I did because they equipped me to love you and take care of your wants and needs.
Don’t be upset with me. I know you wanted to take me out tonight, but you should know I’m not going to let you do that. You can plan our evening, but I’m paying for everything. There’s nothing more that I need than your presence. Whatever else that comes tonight will be extra.