“I’m sorry to have brought you into this,” he continued. “I was so loyal to my brother that I didn’t ask questions.” With a soft sigh, he sat close enough to her for her to feel his body against hers. “Your people are probably going to come after me, and I don’t blame them. Hopefully, me returning you unharmed will get me some kind of grace. If not, I accept my fate. I don’t regret trying to help my brother, but I will regret losing my life for a fucking snitch.”
After sucking his teeth, he stood and answered a call with, “Is it there?” A beat of silence passed before he said, “And you can tell it’s real?” He cursed under his breath. “Aight. Y’all meet me back at the spot. I’m about to send him the location so he can get her.”
He disconnected the call, then told Lei, “I’m going to send him to you. It shouldn’t take him long to get here. Maybe two minutes tops. And I promise after this, you won’t have to worry about my brother bothering you ever again.”
Whether he promised that or not, Lei knew that would be the case. Still, she bobbed her head, grateful this was almost over. Things could have taken a turn for the worse. Even after finding out that Tussi was a snitch, his brother could have still been loyal to him. Lei was just grateful that Tussi had snitched on his other brother, otherwise, Lei didn’t know what would have become of her as time progressed. She knew her father had a lot of power and influence, but she didn’t think he would have ever been able to do what Tussi was asking of him.
While Lei waited for her father to arrive, she thought about how she’d gotten into this predicament, anyway. It didn’t seem like a coincidence that she was taken after meeting Yandi. Yandi and Tussi were talking, so was it a far stretch to think Yandi was involved? If she wasn’t, Lei believed Yandi knew what he was planning and didn’t bother to warn her. Was that what she’d been wanting to talk to her about and because Lei ended their friendship, Yandi kept it to herself?
As she rested her head against the pole, her mind raced with a million thoughts. The one that screamed louder than most was the fact that yet another person she trusted and cared about had betrayed her. Before meeting Londen, this would have triggered Lei to the point where she reverted to her shell and didn’t want to engage with anyone. Now, she wasn’t as fazed because betrayal, unfortunately, was a part of life. What her mother had said was true—trying to avoid hurt was like trying to avoid the sun. All she could do was remove those from her life that were unworthy and keep it moving.
At the sound of tires screeching, Lei’s shoulders perked as she hummed. The sound of feet trampling toward her mimicked the sound of her heart beating against her rib cage. While one pair of hands removed the cover from her eyes, mouth, and ears, another pair was cutting the bondage around her arms and ankles. Gritting her teeth, Lei tried not to cry at the sight of her three favorite men. Ace was pulling her off the ground first, lifting her into the air and swinging her around. Her eyes landed on Londen, who had pulled his arms behind his back to avoid reaching for her.
Not being sure if she’d live or not had given Lei more value for life and everyone that was in it. She didn’t just want Londen to be her man; she wanted him to be her husband. The past had robbed her of enough… it wouldn’t rob her of her future too.
“I would have died if something happened to you,” Ace declared.
“Thank you for coming to get me.”
“I always will.Wealways will.”
Once he released her, Cade pulled her into his arms. “What would I do without these hugs?”
Lei giggled as she swayed against him. “Let’s pray you never have to find out.”
She expected Londen to make his way over to her, but he didn’t. He stayed behind, staring at her with those dark, lazy eyes. Sniffing under her armpits, Lei asked softly, “Do I stink? I don’t know how long I was with them.”
Cade chuckled as he grabbed her purse off the ground and handed it to her. She checked to make sure everything was inside. Finally stopping to process her location, Lei realized they’d taken her back to the beach and dropped her off under the restaurant she’d met Yandi at. Because of its design, there was a large area of space for people to walk under on the side of the building by the trash cans. Now she was even more convinced Yandi was involved.
“We’ll give you two some privacy,” Ace offered when Londen remained silent.
“Are you… okay?” Lei asked, taking a small step in his direction.
“If I would’ve lost you…” His head dropped and shook.
Closing the space between them, Lei wrapped her arms around him, and Londen held her tightly. He kissed her forehead, and the moment she felt his tears on her skin, her eyes watered.
“I would’ve painted this town red trying to get to you, Lei.”
“But you didn’t have to. I’m okay, babe.”
“Are you?” His hands cupped her cheeks, and he lifted them from his chest to look into her eyes. “Because if they didany-fucking-thing to you…”
“They didn’t.” Lei chuckled nervously as she wrapped her hands around his wrists. “He was actually nice after I told him about Tussi. Well, after I gave him the names. Before that he was a little aggressive, but they didn’t mishandle me in any way.”
“Good. I’m taking care of Tussi, and I need to discuss what we’re going to do with his brother with Ace.”
“Look… I know what he did was wrong, but can you please spare him? I’m 100 percent okay.”
“Nah. Everybody involved with this shit gon’ pay. Including your girl. I know she had something to do with this.”
His posture hardened and grip on her cheeks tightened.
“Unfortunately, I agree. I was snatched right after I left her table. I want to ask her to confirm, but I’m pretty sure she set me up. How long was I with them?”
“Just a few hours. Ace called me when I was leaving Mercedes’ house after setting up her menu for the party.”