“Shouldn’t take long. My staff is already in place, and I’ve been making money for the last decade. Just… need to have a few conversations and make a few moves, then I swear… I’m coming back for you.”

Londen lifted her head and kissed her. The kiss was long and leisurely, lazy yet precise. So precise it had Lei reaching between his thighs and rubbing his hardened dick.

“Now you can’t kiss me like that and leave me.”

Londen groaned, feeling his dick harden against her even more. “I promise I’ll be worth the wait.”

“You always are.” She gave him a sweet, quick kiss before softly pushing him backward. “Hurry up and go so you can hurry up and come back.”

Londen shot her a wink, then walked away. He was even more motivated to handle his business. His arms craved having her wrapped inside, and his dick was begging to be smothered by her pussy.


Ace stared at Londen in disbelief, which was not the reaction Londen expected him to have.

“It was you? All this time… you’re the man that my daughter has been pining over?”

Londen’s head bobbed once. “I have no reason to be facetious or fictitious, Ace.”

“I know that I’m just…” Ace’s head shook as he stared blankly. “I’m confused. How did me asking you to make sure the wrong man didn’t connect with my daughter lead to you dating her?”

“You wanted her with a man who was worthy of her. A man who was righteous.”

“Yes… that’s true.”

“So, who was a better man for her than me?”

Ace released a bark of laughter, then stood. He reached into the top drawer of his desk and set an old school pistol that, admittedly, was sexy as hell to Londen on top of it. His gun of choice proved the kind of calculated man he was—ensuring no shell casings would be left behind.

“Was it your intention to finesse me when I sought your help?”

“Not at all. I signed up for a profile to keep an eye out for her. I figured by studying her, I would know the kind of men who would want to pursue her. We matched, which was unexpected, and started talking. From our first letter, I was hooked.”

Ace scratched the side of his head as he sat on the corner of his desk. “Does she know about Hamilton?”

“No, that’s why I’m here now. Out of respect for you, I didn’t tell her.”

“But you’re going to?”

“Eventually… yes. Before things become official between us, I have to tell her the truth.”

Ace breathed deeply as his head shook. “I would appreciate a heads up before you told her, so I can prepare. I don’t know how Lei is going to react when she learns I had Hamilton killed. She should know I would do anything to protect her and her mother, but that was the man she once considered her father.”

“Look… I won’t suggest I know Lei better than you, but I can say that I know her more intimately than you. We’ve talked about that situation a few times now, and each time, she lets me in on how it hurt or changed her. She’s going to be upset, but she will understand. I’m not concerned about her being upset with you; I’m concerned about her holding it against me. You might have ordered the hit, but I’m the one that pulled the trigger.”

“Then why tell her at all? If you fear this will cause a rift between you two…”

Londen’s head shook as he sat up in his seat. “Nah, I’m not keeping this from her. She’s been lied to and left in the dark enough. I’m not going to be another man who does that to her.”

“But I was, huh?”

With a shrug, Londen stood. “Yeah, you were. You had your reasons and I respect you for it. I would do the same thing if I was in your position. Still, that doesn’t make keeping this from her right. She deserves to know the truth, even if it hurts. I’d rather hurt her temporarily with the truth than do irrevocable damage because she finds out after we’ve been married with kids.”

“Married with kids? Things are that serious between you two?”

Before Londen could stop it, a smile was spreading his lips. “For me, they are. I’ll let her discuss that with you when she’s ready. My intentions with your daughter are pure, though.”

“I believe that.” Ace stood. “You see what happens when anyone hurts her, so I’m not worried about you doing the same.” Standing directly in front of Londen, Ace added, “Should that change, you know what your fate will be.”