A few days ago, she gave Londen her real address in preparation for a surprise he had for her. After she messaged Tussi and told him she could no longer talk to him, Londen had been even more present. Since she hadn’t heard from Tussi, Lei could only hope he didn’t take the news too bad. Maybe he didn’t care enough about her to give a response. Either way, with the attention Londen had been showering her with, Lei didn’t care at all.

Even if she tried to deny it, what was brewing between her and Londen went beyond friendship. Fear had embedded itself deep within her heart when it came to love, and Londen was slowly digging every drop of it out.

That evening, he had a night planned that she would forever remember. That was often the case when it came to Londen though. The effort he was exerting beyond bars showed her not just that he was a man of action as he’d said before, but that the right man would come in and remind her of how good being loved on could feel. Lei may not have been ready to commit just yet, but Londen was definitely breaking down her walls.

He'd had one of his favorite private chefs come and prepare a five course meal for Lei. Before she ate, a personal stylist was there to let her choose her outfit, shoes, and accessories for the evening. Londen joined her via FaceTime, and it was hard to dwell on the fact that he wasn’t there physically because of how much she enjoyed herself.

“Just seeing that pretty smile is more than enough for me.”

“Do you need anything else from us, Boss?” Walter asked.

“Nah, that’s it.”

“Then we’ll conclude our stay for the evening.” Walter turned in Lei’s direction. “I left all of our numbers on a pad in the kitchen. We are at your disposal, twenty-four-seven. Call any time.”

“I will. Thank you, and you all enjoy the rest of your evening.” Lei walked behind the crew of people and locked the door behind them before telling Londen, “Okay, so did the staff come because you’re locked up, or have you always lived such a life of luxury?”

London smiled, and Lei had to admit, she loved the sight of it. The sight of those pretty, white, straight teeth against his smooth dark chocolate skin… always made her smile.

“I hired a staff as soon as I was able to afford to. Not just for the luxury of it, but for security back then too. With drivers, I was never pulled over and arrested for anything as a passenger, you feel me? Fewer trips to stores because I had personal stylists. Less potential of being used and lied on because I had assistants to handle business for me. Having people I could trust around me just made life easier.”

“I feel you. That was my definition of luxury, even before I moved to Rose Valley. I’ve never been really materialistic, though the men in my life love to spoil me. The things that provide me with ease and comfort are truly luxurious for me.”

“I’m glad you mentioned that. I know your folks do a lot for you, but there are things I’d like to start doing as your man.”

Lei giggled before she could hold it back, stopping dead in her tracks. “My man?”

“Yeah.” Londen’s tone was softer than she’d ever heard it before. “Your man.”

Her smile widened as she continued toward the kitchen, pleased when she saw it spotless. Thanks to his staff, all she’d have to do was undress and climb into bed.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were my man.”

“You didn’t?” Between his gasp and the offended expression that covered his face, Lei couldn’t help but burst into a fit of laughter.

“No!” she yelled playfully. “I didn’t.”

“My apologies, Baby. I need to rectify that.”

“I’d say so.”

Tugging her bottom lip between her teeth, Lei grabbed the opened bottle of 1882 Graham Port ‘Ne Oublie’ Tawny Port and prepared to head to her room. In mentioning during one conversation that she loved sweet wine, London had begun to have a bottle delivered to her several times a week. That week, the seven-thousand-dollar bottle had been one that she’d been dying to get her hands on since she had it a few years ago at a tasting. Ideally, she’d like to stock up since they were limited in quantity, but every wholesaler she’d found over the years only had one in stock.

Londen waited until she was in bed to say, “We still have a lot to learn about each other. Honestly, I enjoyed writing you letters and would love to continue to do so. What I do know, is that I want you to be mine. I want to spoil you and give you the love and life you deserve. If you’re more comfortable waiting until I’m free to commit, I’m cool with that. I know it might feel like a long-distance relationship, and I’m not sure how you’d get along with that.”

“I’ve never been in a long-distance relationship. What I can say, is that I feel closer to you in a just under a month than I felt to anyone else in the last decade. I feel connected and secure with you, but I would like for us to take things slow. Would you be content with knowing I’m only being courted by you, and I don’t want to be with anyone else but you?”

“For now, but when I get out, you’re going to be mine, Lei.”

“I would love that. Do you have an idea of when that will be?”

“I do, but I don’t want to tell you until it’s 100 percent certain. Is that okay with you?”

“Yes. I appreciate you sparing me from potential disappointment. I have high hopes that you’ll be out soon, though.”

“Me too, gorgeous. Me too.”
