“What about ’er?” Noah replied.

“So apparently I been talking to her friend too. Lil shorty hipped me to who Royalty’s family is. Royalty ain’t even her name. Anyway, I’ma have to get her in here and dick her down so I can make some shake with her Pops. From what I heard, that nigga gotbigpull. I’m tryna be out this ho ASAP.”

“Yandi told you that?” Londen checked, trying to keep calm.

He wasn’t upset with Tussi… yet. All he was, was a nigga looking for a come up. Yandi obviously hadn’t taken his threat seriously if the first thing she did was take a call from Tussi and tell him Lei’s business.

At that point, Londen wasn’t sure what her end game was. Telling him about the bet was one thing, but telling Tussi who Lei really was put things on a different level. Nothing about that would make Londen stop talking to her, unless she believed Tussi was capable of taking Lei from him if he put forth more effort. This seemed… personal… and Londen had no idea what Yandi would gain from blowing up her best friend’s spot.

“Yeah. You talking to her too?”

“Nah, not anymore. She tell you anything else about Lei?”

Tussi’s head shook. “Just that she was a lawyer, and her folks are in the secret society.”

“Regardless of what she told you, Lei is off limits.”

It felt as if the air around them thickened. Eyes that weren’t on them before were on them now. That changed quickly when Noah stood and told everyone, “Mind your fucking business.”

“Let me have this seat for a minute, OG,” Tussi requested, to which the older man temporarily evacuated his seat.

As he walked away, he chuckled, as if Tussi had just set himself up for failure and hadn’t even realized it.

“Really ain’t shit for us to discuss,” Londen clarified, turning slightly in Tussi’s direction. Though he didn’t believe Tussi had gained his respect, he’d give it to him for the time being, anyway.

“I’m just tryna get an understanding of why you feel you have any say in what I do and who I talk to.”

“When it concerns Lei, it concerns me.”

“Unless you married the bitch without my knowing, ain’t shit you can do to stop me from talking to her or whatever the fuck else I want to do.”

Noah released a long, animated sigh. He stood and grumbled, “Mm, mm, mm,” under his breath. “You gon’ regret that shit, young nigga.”

“I’ma give you one chance to correct yourself and apologize,” Londen warned.

Tussi’s face distorted before he laughed. “Fuck you, Londen. These other pussy ass niggas might fear you, but it ain’t an ounce of bitch in my bloo—”

Before Tussi could get the word out fully, Londen’s grip on his neck was sending his face into the table. Blood immediately began to pour from his nose.

“You said it ain’t no bitch in your blood?” Londen taunted. “Let me see.”

By the third time Londen had smashed his face into the table, Tussi’s eyes were rolling into the back of his head as he lost consciousness.

“Aight, that’s enough,” Noah decided, gripping Londen’s hand.

Londen was so calm, he immediately released his hold. Looking down at himself, Londen sucked his teeth at the sight of splattered blood on his arms and shirt.

“Nigga wetter than some pussy in this bitch. Got my shit soaked.”

As Londen pulled the shirt over his head and used it to wipe his arms, three guards jogged over to tend to Tussi.

“Put that mane in solitary when he wakes up. He needs time to think about what the fuck I said,” Londen ordered, leaving the common area to head to his cell.

As calm as he was trying to remain, his frustration with Yandi was starting to brew. He said he wouldn’t mention what she’d done until Lei expressed a lack of trust in her. Perhaps Yandi wasn’t expecting Tussi to tell the whole quad about their conversation. Whatever the case, it was taking everything inside of Londen to not make a call to have Yandi permanently removed from Lei’s life. She’d experienced enough heartache from people she loved and trusted, and Londen meant it when he said he wouldn’t let anyone hurt her in that way again.


“I wishyou were here so I could thank you properly,” Lei admitted.