I bought a ticket for the next available flight, which ended up being early Sunday morning. I packed a few things, texted my family, and shut off my phone. I didn’t want to hear what my brothers or parents had to say.
I knew what I needed to do, and I had several hours to figure out how to say it in a way that would bring Kylie home.
The draw wasn’t that Telluride was her hometown or that her family lived here. I was Kylie’s home, and we needed to be together. If she got this job, then I’d go with her. If she wanted to move to Paris, I’d follow. But I was secretly hoping she’d fallen in love with not only me, but with Telluride and my family. And I hoped she saw the potential to mend fences with hers.
It was almost too much to hope for, especially since she’d taken this job interview and flown across the country for it. It would have been easier if it had been a virtual interview, but then my apology wouldn’t have the same meaning.
I needed to show her that she was the most important person in my life and that I’d follow her anywhere. If only she’d forgive me for that thing with her brother. I hadn’t broken a promise to Xander or to her.
I would take care of her for the rest of her life. I’d never leave her side, and we’d figure everything else out together. If only I could make her see the same future I did.
I had hours to agonize over the possible outcomes. In the end, the only thing that mattered was that she forgave me and took me back. That she wanted the same things I did. The hows and whys didn’t matter as much as the intentions.
By the time I landed in LA, I was exhausted, both physically and emotionally. Kylie said she loved me, but that had been in front of her brother and during an argument. Had she meant it? And if so, why hadn’t she told me?
Was she afraid I didn’t feel the same way? I knew what hotel Kylie was staying at, and her interview should have been done by now, so I went there first. Her parents had asked for the room number under the guise of sending flowers, so I had it.
I’d packed light, with only a duffle bag, so I immediately took the elevator to her floor, hoping she was there.
The room itself was quiet when I knocked softly, and it only took a minute for the door to open.
Kylie’s hair was rumpled, and her cheeks were flush as if she’d been napping. “Tyler? What are you doing here?”
“I had to see you,” I said as I brushed past her, and she closed the door behind me.
Everything I’d planned fell from my mind. There was only one thing that mattered. I dropped my duffle bag on the unmade bed and crossed the room to her. I cupped her cheeks and asked, “Did you mean it?”
I searched her face for any hesitation.
“Mean what?”
“That you loved me?” Every muscle in my body was tense. I only needed the word, and I’d unleash the pent-up emotion.
She nodded. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” And then my mouth came down on hers, and she opened for me. I wasn’t naïve enough to think that this declaration erased everything that came before, but it was a start. I eased back slightly. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I had this plan. I wanted to talk to your brothers first and then you.”
Kylie tipped her head to the side. “Did you talk to my brothers?”
“I talked to my brothers, then yours.”
Kylie ran a hand through her hair. “So they know?”
I chuckled. “Everyone knows. I even talked to your parents when they found me at your cabin.”
“They are the ones who told you where I was.”
“I hope it’s okay that I came here. I had this whole plan of what I was going to say, but when I’m with you, I forget everything.” My body was pushing me to kiss her, to claim her, to show her she was mine. But I knew she needed the words.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about that conversation with Xander, but honestly? It didn’t mean a lot to me when I already intended to take care of you forever.”
“You weren’t with me out of some obligation to ease Xander’s anxiety?” Kylie asked, her lips trembling.
“My relationship with you never had anything to do with your brothers. We have a connection, despite your brothers.”
Her lips twitched, but it was too early to declare victory.
“I love you, and I’ll follow you wherever you go. If this job is the one you want, I’ll move to California with you.” I’d hate the city, but I’d do it. “If you want to go back to Paris, I’ll be by your side.” Even if I missed my family.