“Maybe you can make them see the light,” Sam said.
“I highly doubt that, but if I come out of it unscathed, I’ll call it a victory.” I thought about the way her brothers treated her over the years, and the more I thought about it, the angrier I got. “They don’t get to tell her what to do. They don’t get to dictate our lives. I’m going to tell them I love their sister, and they need to get over it.”
Mac pressed his lips into a straight line. “You might need some backup with that attitude. You sure you don’t want us to come with you?”
“I never wanted to lose their friendship, but I need to stand up for Kylie and for our relationship.” I stood up, energized now that I had a plan for how to deal with the Wilde brothers.
“That’s what I’m talking about,” Sam said at the same time Mac touched my shoulder and said, “I’m proud of you.”
I’d bought property this year, and I was building my dream house with Kylie. But she deserved to know everything I’d done was for her. I loved her, and I’d stand up to her brothers. I’d risk everything for her. She needed to know, but first, I had to show her.
I knew I’d find the Wilde brothers at the lodge. I figured they were waiting for me to come to them. When I arrived, Eli was at the front desk.
He was usually visible in the lodge, but I doubted he waited at the front desk. I knew he was there for me.
“Xander and Oliver around?” I asked, keeping my voice even.
Eli nodded grimly. “Follow me.”
I felt a little like I was being taken to my execution, but he only led me to a conference room. It was large and boasted views of the mountains. It wasn’t just the view that was breathtaking. It was the situation.
“I’ll get them and be right back.”
The door closed with a click, and I remained standing because it was a power position.
When the door opened again, I was still revved for the conversation I needed to have with them. I held my love for Kylie close to my chest. Kylie was the one who mattered. I was fighting for her and for us.
Eli walked in first. Oliver and Xander followed. Their expressions were stony.
“You wanted to talk to us?” Eli prompted when I didn’t immediately address them.
They weren’t going to make this easy on me. “I love your sister.”
Xander shook his head as if to rid it of my words. “You barely know Kylie.”
My jaw tightened. “That’s not true. We were close as kids—”
“How close?” Eli asked, his arms crossed over his chest.
My heart was racing in my chest as if it knew how important this moment was. “We used to talk when we’d find ourselves in the same hiding spot. I carried her down from the mountain when she broke her arm. She confided in me over the years, and I listened.”
Xander’s brow furrowed. “Why would Kylie confide in you and not us?”
“No one listened to her. She felt like an outsider in her family. There were four boys and then her. You didn’t want her around, and she felt like her parents didn’t know what to do with a girl.”
The guys fell silent, and I wasn’t sure if I’d gone too far by telling them what Kylie had confided in me.
“We didn’t know she felt like that.” Oliver’s gaze moved from Eli to Xander as if seeking their confirmation.
Eli nodded. “We didn’t want her to get hurt. You know how crazy we were back then.”
“Did you ever think about how it affected her? She never felt like she fit in or that she was even wanted by her family. Then, one by one, you took over positions in the family business. She loved working at the lodge, but there wasn’t a spot for her.”
“She never said—” Oliver broke off.