Page 21 of Forbidden Love

“Tyler adores Maggie. He says he doesn’t want to settle down, but I don’t know. He’s such a family man.”

“He’s even watching Maggie for us next weekend while we go out.”

“Is that usual?” I asked Alice.

“Sam said he babysat more before he hired me to be the nanny,” Alice said, sipping her hot chocolate.

“When we first moved here, Mac went with Delaney to her daddy-daughter dance. She was hurt that her father couldn’t come.”

I remembered keeping her company that night. She was worried Delaney would get upset about her father not attending, but she’d been content with Mac. They were close now.

“I have to agree, a man around children is attractive. I never thought I’d say that before.” Watching the Fletchers with the girls had my insides melting.

Mac had been roasting some marshmallows on a skewer when he asked Natalie, “You want one?”

Natalie moved toward him and said, “Yes.”

“You guys are so cute together with your little families,” I said to Alice, feeling a little left out. Although it was perfectly fine to be single in Europe, here, there was a little more pressure to settle down. Although I wouldn’t exactly call it pressure. It just looked so nice to be in a relationship where someone else asked about your needs and offered to take care of them.

Where men were enamored with little girls. I’d need to hit the bar scene soon so I could remember what stage of life I was in. I wasn’t ready to settle down anytime soon. Especially since I hadn’t figured out what I wanted to do with my life yet.

Alice nudged my shoulder with hers. “You could have a Fletcher brother for yourself if you wanted.”

“Even if I was interested in Tyler, which I’m not—” I paused because he lifted Maggie in his arms and said he was going to hose her down. Her cheeks were covered with sticky marshmallow and her fingers in melted chocolate. When he walked into the house with her, I continued. “He’s friends with my brothers.”

“So?” Alice asked.

“My brothers warned all guys off me in high school.”

“You’re not in high school anymore.”

“I don’t think my brothers remember that. I’m still their younger sister and must be protected from their friends at all costs.”

Alice frowned. “I doubt that’s true anymore.”

“Oh, it is. Besides, Tyler wouldn’t want to ruin his friendship with them.”

“You’re talking like you’ve thought about this.”

I sighed. I hadn’t planned on telling her anything, but it would be nice to confide in someone. “Nothing is happening now, but I had a crush on him when we were kids.”

“I don’t blame you.” Then she caught my expression and said, “Oh, something happened between you? Do your brothers know?”

“Nope, and I’d like to keep it that way.”

“We need to have a girls’ night soon to talk about it. I have a feeling there’s a lot you’re not telling me.”

I nodded because Natalie handed me a plate with a s’more, and I sat down in front of the fire to eat. I was happy to have something to focus on besides how hot it was that Tyler was taking care of Maggie with an ease that suggested this was something he was used to. He hadn’t shied away when she was sticky with marshmallow, and that was to be commended.

When they returned, her face and fingers were clean, but Tyler’s shirt was wet. He sat down next to me. “Oh, I see how it is. You get the s’mores while I watch the kids.”

“I think you snuck a few bites of hers. Besides, it looked like you were happy where you were.”

Tyler smiled at Maggie, who was now sitting in Sam’s lap. “She’s the best.”

“You’re good with her.”

Tyler smiled easily. “I’m babysitting her next weekend. Want to come and help?”