“Still. I appreciate you giving her something to hold on to here.”
“She mentioned something about there not being a place for her at the resort. You think that’s why she was so quick to leave after school?” It wasn’t my place to say anything, but I wanted to know.
Xander frowned. “When did she say that?”
“You know how she’s friends with Natalie and Alice?” At Xander’s nod, I continued. “She was at Mac’s house one night and mentioned it in passing. She didn’t explain herself, but I was curious.”
“I didn’t think she wanted to work for the resort. I mean, she worked for some fancy hotel in Paris. What could she possibly want with a ski lodge?”
I shrugged, hoping he didn’t read anything into my curiosity. “You won’t know unless you ask.”
The bartender dropped off a bowl of freshly popped popcorn, and we dug in.
Xander chewed as he watched the game on the TV. “You’re being cryptic tonight.”
“I don’t know what’s going on with her. But if you want her to stick around town, you might want to find out.”
He bumped my shoulder. “Since when are you into feelings and shit?”
“Who said anything about feelings? You want your sister to stay, then find out why she won’t. It’s simple.”
“Since when are you the relationship guru?”
I shrugged, hoping he couldn’t see right through me. “I was just trying to help.”
“You should probably stick to your wood and tools.”
“You know it.” And just like that, we were back to normal, exchanging barbs and ribbing each other.
We talked about the game and what was going on at the lodge, but we didn’t talk any more about Kylie. I wanted to get my mind off her, even as it kept circling around to why she was back and if she intended to stay. The only way to find out was to get closer to her. I hadn’t been that interested in spearheading this project, but now that Kylie was involved, I was all in. Even if it was the dumbest move I’d made in a long time.
When it came to Kylie Wilde, I couldn’t resist her. She was sexy and sophisticated, and I wanted to dirty her up. I wanted to strip her of that protective armor she wore to lunch, the silky top, the pressed slacks, and those killer heels. What would she look like in nothing but those stilettos?
I shifted on the barstool, hoping Xander didn’t guess where my thoughts had gone. I was imagining his younger sister naked. He’d kill me if he knew. It was one thing that I’d screwed up when I was eighteen, but I was older now. I knew better than to get involved with her. It wasn’t worth ruining a lifelong friendship over.
Kylie needed a friend in town, and maybe I could be that for her.
When the game was over, it was close to ten. Colorado had won in overtime, and I needed to get up early.
Xander walked with me to my apartment. “I’d appreciate it if you could keep an eye on her.”
“Eye on who?” I asked, dreading what he was going to say.
“Kylie. I don’t know what’s going on with her, and you’re the only one close enough to find out.”
I held up my hands. “I’m not close to your sister. Her best friends are engaged to my brothers.”
“You know what I mean. You are partnering together on this project, and you see her with your family. Just keep an eye on her. Let me know if you figure out what’s going on.”
“You know I’d never betray her confidence.” One thing she’d confessed that night in the hotel was that her brothers always found out about guys who were interested in her and made sure they weren’t anymore. I wouldn’t interfere in Kylie’s life, not when I knew how difficult her brothers made things for her.
“I’m not saying that.” He sighed and hung his head before slowly lifting his gaze to meet mine. “I just need to know if she’s okay.”
My throat tightened. “I can do that.”
He looked relieved as he pressed a hand to my shoulder. “I appreciate that. You’re a good friend.”