Page 88 of Forbidden Love

“She got a last-minute call for an interview. The hotel had a management position that needed to be filled immediately. They wanted her to check out the hotel and see if it would be a good fit. They want her to start right away,” her father said, his hands in his pockets.

“In Paris?” I asked.


“Why California?” But I knew the answer. I was just like her family. I hadn’t told her what she meant to me. I hadn’t told her I loved her.

“She said she needed to explore every opportunity. She wants to make sure she’s making the right decision,” her mother said.

“Honestly?” her father asked, continuing without waiting for my response. “She wasn’t sure this was the right place for her.”

“I didn’t tell her.” I ran a hand through my already-messy hair. “I didn’t tell her what she meant to me. That I love her. That I want to build a life together.”

Her father’s forehead wrinkled. “She mentioned that you two had a fling of sorts, but not that it was serious.”

Her mother shook her head. “I had a feeling she was running from something that happened between you two.” And then she faced her husband. “She wanted that job with us. I knew it. There was something keeping her from taking it.”

“It was me. I never told her how I felt.” My voice broke off, and I felt broken. Like the houses I renovated. Except this time, it couldn’t be fixed. I’d waited too long.

I dropped back onto the porch steps and put my head in my hands.

“What are you doing?” her father asked me.

“I don’t know.” My life was empty without Kylie. Why was I building a huge house that would never be filled with Kylie’s laughter, with her love? It would be empty, just like my heart and soul without her.

“You said you never told her how you felt,” Clara said.

“Right.” That was my mistake.

Hugh frowned. “Don’t you think you should rectify that?”

“When did you say she’d be home?” I asked.

“We didn’t, but does it matter?” Hugh asked, and I got the impression he felt like he was talking to someone with low intelligence. He was either talking slowly or my brain wasn’t firing on all cylinders. Everything had slowed down, and it felt like I was trying to walk through soft sand. I kept moving, but I wasn’t getting anywhere.

I was too late. I should have been honest with her. Then none of this would have happened. Kylie would still be here. We’d eat dinner and then make love. Like we had for weeks. We’d be planning my new house and talking about moving in together. I’d have bought a ring and kept it in my drawer, anticipating the best time to ask her. Because it wasn’t just the proposal; it was the anticipation of our life together that would have kept me going.

I really fucked up. “I didn’t treat your daughter with the respect she deserved. I should have told her everything when I had the chance.”

“You’re giving up.” Disappointment rang heavily in Hugh’s tone.

“If Kylie doesn’t want me, what am I supposed to do?” I asked Hugh, the man I’d respected for most of my life.

“You fight for her,” Clara said, exasperation filling her voice.

“Trust me, this is the first of many mishaps you’re going to need to smooth over. You might as well practice,” Hugh added helpfully.

I blinked, a little taken aback by the full-court Wilde press I was receiving. “I’m sorry, what?”

Mr. Wilde shook his head. “You need to tell her how you feel. Grovel. Apologize. Whatever works.”

“I need to go to California.” I stood; my mind was reeling with everything I needed to do. Figure out where she was and who she was interviewing with. Get a flight as soon as possible and tell Kylie everything before she accepted this position. Would I fight hard enough for her? Would I do all the things her family hadn’t? Tell her exactly how I feel and ask her to stay?

I reached for my cell phone I’d set aside earlier. “Where is she? Where was the interview?”

“Now we’re talking,” Hugh said with a smile as Clara showed me the itinerary on her phone that Kylie sent her.

The Wildes left after a few more words of encouragement. My impression was that they wanted Kylie to stay in Telluride, and I was their ticket. I just hoped they liked me too.