“When you were kids?” Mom asked.
“Xander asked me to look out for her, and that’s not what I’m doing.”
“You think they’ll have a problem with you two dating?” Mom asked.
I shook my head. “I know they will. They told me to stay away from their sister and look out for her.”
“You think you can keep it a secret from them forever?”
“Well, no. But Kylie hasn’t said she’s staying in town. If we’re temporary, why should we tell them if nothing comes from it?”
“You don’t act like you’re temporary,” Mom said carefully, as if she was trying to figure things out.
I drew in a deep breath. “I’m in love with her, but I don’t know how she feels.”
“You haven’t told her yet?” Mom asked, her tone incredulous.
I winced. “I’m worried I’ll scare her off.”
Mom continued putting the dishes in the dishwasher with jerky movements. “You sound like Mac when he was messing things up with Natalie.”
“I’m not messing anything up.”
Mom turned to give me a look.
I held up my hands as if to ward her off. “I haven’t messed anything up yet.”
Mom straightened and pointed a wooden spoon at me. “What if she’s waiting for you to tell her how you feel? What if she wants you to ask her to stay? What if that poor girl thinks that she’s just a fun time for you?”
“Why would she think that?” I asked, my words slowing as Mom gave me that look. The one that told me she knew my reputation around town. “It’s true I’ve never been in a long-term relationship. But everyone I spent time with knew the score—”
She turned her head away from me and held up one hand. “I don’t want to hear about your prior relationships.”
I said, “Sorry.” Then let out a breath. “I don’t know what I’m doing. I’ve never been in this position before, but I’m worried if I push too hard, if I lay out all my cards, she’s going to run.”
Mom poured dish detergent into the receptacle, shut the dishwasher, and started the cycle. Then she took a seat at the kitchen table. “That’s what you’re worried about? Her leaving?”
I nodded, feeling miserable that I didn’t know what to do and that what I had done wasn’t enough by a long shot.
“In this situation, you have everything to lose. She might leave and never come back.”
I rubbed a hand over the sudden ache in my chest, perilously close to my heart.
“But if you do nothing, you might have the same outcome.”
“So, you’re saying I need to tell her because if I don’t ask her to stay, she might think I don’t want her.” That hurt worse than the thought of her leaving.
“I’ve gotten to know her a little since she’s been back, and I’ve seen the way her brothers treat her. Kylie needs to feel that she’s wanted. That she’s special to someone. That she’ll come first.”
“Of course, she comes first.” I had no one else in my life other than my family.
“Does she know that? Have you told her that?”
“I’ve shown her.”
Mom stood up from the table and crossed the room, jabbing her finger in the middle of my chest. “It’s not enough. She needs to hear the words. She needs to hear it from you.”
I needed to tell her I was in love with her and that I wanted her to stay. I could do that, but what if— “What if there’s nothing for her here? What if her family doesn’t ask her to stay, or she can’t find a job in Telluride? There aren’t any luxury hotels here.”