Finn took my hand and led me down the steps of the stadium and out onto the field.
“What did you want to show me?” I asked him, my heart thumping from the memory of the last time he led me somewhere.
He took the steps that led onto the field. When we stepped onto the grass, he said, “I wanted to show you this.”
It was just a minor league field, but it felt massive, standing in the outfield. “This is cool.”
“When do you ever get to stand on a baseball field like this?” he asked, his voice filled with awe.
He refocused his gaze on me. “Did you play?”
I slowly shook my head. “No.”
There was no money in our family’s budget to support any activities or buy the equipment. I hadn’t even asked my parents, not wanting to upset them. But Iris begged to do dance. They finally relented to a class, but once they found out about the dance outfits and shoes she’d need, they made her drop out again. That was when I vowed to save enough money so that when Iris asked for something, she’d get it.
He handed me a glove. “I bought this one for Paisley, but it was too big. It should fit you, but it may be a bit snug.”
I slid it on and squeezed it closed. “It seems okay.”
“I thought we could toss the ball for a bit. Or at least until the others find us.” His voice was hopeful; I couldn’t say no.
“That sounds like fun.” I was truly up for anything with Finn today. This was his family’s outing, and I was determined to make the best of it without remembering anything about what happened last night.
Finn stepped closer, and to anyone else, it looked like he was talking about the glove, but he said, “I wanted to talk about last night.”
My heart rate picked up. “We don’t have to.”
“It was the single hottest thing I’ve ever experienced.”
Was he saying the sex was good, or was it the fact that it was in public that was the draw?
“But I wanted to let you know that there are no cameras in the bar. The owner told me that when he gave me the tour. He said the VIP guests don’t want them there.”
“They don’t even have security cameras?” I asked, my tone dubious.
“Nope. And I looked around after you left. I didn’t see anything.”
“That’s good to know. I was a little worried we’d made a sex tape last night, and I don’t think it would do wonders for my career like it does for celebrities.” I laughed, but it felt a little strained. I wasn’t sure what to make of this Finn. The one who appeared to be seducing me instead of irritating me.
Surprising me, Finn tipped his head back and let out a laugh. I was mesmerized by the line of his throat until he dipped his chin, and his eyes met mine. “I like you, Aria. I vowed never to get involved with anyone, but I can’t resist you.” Then he continued without waiting for me to respond. “Want to throw the ball?”
I shrugged, almost grateful he’d let me off the hook. My throat felt a little tight, but I managed to ask, “Why not?”
He took a few steps back and tossed the ball lightly to me. I caught it easily and threw it back. My throw was a little wild, so he came over to me, standing with his chest to my back, as he moved my hand in the correct motion.
“Like this.” His low voice rumbled through my back and into my chest.
“Uh-huh,” I said, only letting out the breath I’d been holding when he returned to his previous position and held up his glove.
This time, I mimicked his motion, and the ball landed with a satisfying thud in his glove.
He smiled. “That’s it.”
His praise warmed my body.
We tossed the ball back and forth for a few minutes. When he was confident I could hit his glove, he stepped back, creating more distance between us. “You’re a natural.”