Page 31 of Give Me a Reason

“I really appreciate you looking out for me. It’s nice.”

She didn’t have anyone to look out for her, and that got to me in a way that no one else ever had. I reached over to cover her hand with mine. “You can count on us.”

I included Ireland because it was true, but also so she didn’t get the wrong idea about us. There was something going on between us, but I wouldn’t act on it. She needed our help right now.

Aria’s eyes fell closed at my words, as if she were savoring them, and I liked that a little too much. I’d never thought about what it would be like to have someone rely on me, other than Paisley. But I kind of liked it. I wanted to be there for Aria.

I pulled my hand away and immediately missed the warmth of hers. As I parked in my driveway, relieved Aria was okay and nervous about what came next, I knew if anything was going to happen between us, it couldn’t now. Aria was moving in with my sister.

You didn’t date your sister’s friends, especially not their roommates. It would be all kinds of awkward.

Inside, Ireland immediately hugged Aria, and when she pulled back, she scanned her body. “Are you okay?”

Aria smiled. “I’m fine.”

“Aria, Aria. You’re here.” Paisley was excited because all her favorite people were in one room.

“I know you want to play with her, but Aria needs to get settled into Aunt Ireland’s place. There was an issue with her apartment, and until it can be fixed, she’ll be staying with her.”

Paisley’s eyes widened. “You’re having a sleepover? Can I come too?”

“First of all, it’s a school night, and second, you know I’d miss you if you stayed with Aunt Ireland, right?”

“You can’t keep her to yourself forever; the rest of us need our Paisley time too,” Ireland said as she ruffled Paisley’s hair.

I wanted to go with them and make sure Aria was settled, but Ireland could handle it. I probably needed to keep my distance from her anyway. Her staying with Ireland meant she had a safe place to live, which made her off-limits for me. It was a good thing.

“Let me know if you need anything,” I said to Aria as Ireland opened the door to leave.

“Sorry about tonight.”

“Don’t worry about it. It’s not your fault.”

Aria headed out to Ireland’s car, and Ireland kissed me on the cheek. “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of her.”

“Why didn’t she say anything?” I lowered my voice so Paisley wouldn’t hear me in the other room.

Ireland looked over at her car, where Aria was already seated in the passenger seat. “She was probably embarrassed, so don’t make a big deal out of it.”

“I won’t.” Even though I was dying to know more about her situation.

Ireland leaned closer, her face filled with concern. “Is something going on between the two of you?”

I could answer that honestly. “No.”

She tipped her head to the side. “You seem to care about her as more than just a coworker or her boss.”

“She’s a nice girl. I don’t like her living there.”

Ireland shook her head. “Me either. At least she’s got us now.”

I hugged her. “And we’re pretty awesome.”

Ireland’s shoulders shook as she laughed. “Love you, brother.”

“Love you too.” Ireland was the only one I’d ever committed to. She was there for me when my parents weren’t, and I didn’t see anyone else holding a place like that in my heart.

Things in my life had been relatively easy the last few years. I was in a good routine with Paisley and Naomi. I had a steady, predictable job that allowed me to stay home with my daughter over the summer. I had music as an outlet. My life was nice.