Page 16 of Give Me a Reason

Paisley talked about what was going on at school, her recent assembly that was a magic show, and the upcoming talent show.

“Are you performing?” Aria asked her politely.

Paisley shook her head. “I don’t have a talent.”

“I think you could do whatever you wanted, even a magic trick.”

Paisley’s eyes got wide. “Really?”

“Sure. It’s not just musical talent.” Then Aria gave me a questioning look.

“She doesn’t play an instrument yet. We’ve talked about the piano, but she wants me to teach her guitar. It’s hard at this age. You need to develop fine motor skills.”

Paisley sighed. “I want to learn.”

“Piano is your best place to start. It’s the basis for all instruments. Then I’ll teach you.” As a music major, I could play all instruments, but my specialty was guitar.


“You’ll let me teach you piano?”


“That’s so amazing, Paisley. I would have loved to learn an instrument when I was a child.”

“Why didn’t you?” I was a huge proponent of everyone learning to play. The studies were clear that it did amazing things for children’s brains.

Aria seemed to stumble over an answer. She finally settled on, “My parents didn’t think we had time for it.”

My brow furrowed because that didn’t make sense. Sure, some parents discouraged kids from playing or encouraged them to quit after they started, but I didn’t think she was being entirely truthful.

“I’ll work with you on a magic trick if you want.”

“Oh yes.” Paisley nodded with enthusiasm.

I’d tried to get Paisley to consider entering the talent show, but she was adamantly against performing. Aria had been here for one night and had gotten her to agree to something I hadn’t. It was impressive.

Paisley launched into all the magic tricks she knew, and as soon as she was finished eating, she ran to her room to drag out her magic set. Then she performed each one with Aria, who was patient and sweet with her.

There was no question I was hiring her. But I was a little skeptical about why she needed this job. “Paisley, can you get your pajamas ready while I finish talking to Aria?”

“Ugh. Fine.” Then she hugged Aria and raced upstairs.

“I’d love to hire you. I just want to make sure this is what you want. You already have a job at Happily Ever Afters.”

“I told you I was saving for a bigger apartment.”

I had no idea what Gia was paying her, but I thought it should be sufficient for that. Was there another reason she needed to supplement her income?

“I’d love to watch Paisley for you. She’s sweet and fun.”

“Then you’re hired. I need someone reliable and who’s not going to quit after a week or two.”

“I’m very reliable. I’ve never quit on any of my babysitting families.” Then she dug into her purse and pulled out a piece of paper. “These are my references if you’d like to check them.”

“I’ll do that,” I said as she stood and made her way to the door. I was curious about her past, so I would probably contact one or two.

“I’ll walk you out,” I said to her as I opened the door, and she slipped through.