“What are you going to work on?” For the first time, I felt like I could rely on a friend to help me. That she would be there for me, no matter what.
“How you’re going to get my brother back,” she said with a smile at me.
“Are you sure you want to be involved in that?” I couldn’t imagine Ireland wanting to discuss the details of my relationship with her brother.
She cringed. “I don’t need to hear the sexy plans, but you’ll need something big to prove to him that you believe in him.”
I hadn’t even thought that far ahead. I hugged her. “Thank you for being my friend.”
“You won’t be for long if you don’t move your stuff back in. I missed you last night,” she said pointedly.
“I did too.” I loved seeing my family and talking to my mom, but I liked my freedom more.
I had a lot of work to do to get in the right headspace. But for the first time, I was confident he was waiting for me. I just had to give him a reason to say yes to forever.
Ireland texted to say she talked to Aria, and things were okay between them. That was the first step in Aria realizing that not everyone walked away. Ireland was upset that we were hooking up behind her back, but she understood after speaking to us.
Now I just needed Aria to see that, no matter what happened, we’d be fine. We loved each other, and we were a team.
But I couldn’t make her see that; she had to figure it out on her own. If Ireland pushed her in that direction, I wouldn’t be upset about it.
My plan was to give Aria space and hope she came to that conclusion. I didn’t like that she’d given up on us so easily, but I understood why. She wasn’t used to anyone being there for her. She was the one who took care of her family.
Her family members weren’t bad people, but they didn’t give her what she gave them in return. Aria was the one who gave too much of herself to the ones she loved. She needed to set boundaries and put her needs first.
Thankfully, Aria promised to watch Paisley this week, so I was able to get to my gigs. I didn’t want to explain to Paisley what was going on between us.
Aria was polite when she came, but I didn’t push for anything more. It wasn’t the time or place. On Saturday morning, Paisley and I made breakfast together. I told Gia I wouldn’t work any of the weddings, but this one was already booked, and the couple wanted me there. Hailey and Ryan were friends with most of the people at Happily Ever Afters, so I anticipated another after-party similar to the one we held after Remi and Colton’s wedding.
I was both looking forward to it and dreading it. What if Aria never came around? What if she never saw what I was to her or what we could be? My head was spinning, and my chest hurt.
Paisley’s face screwed up. “Daddy, the pancakes smell like they’re burning.”
“Shit.” I turned off the burner. I dropped those attempts at pancakes into the trash and scrubbed the pan. “I’ll just make another batch.”
“Is everything okay?” Paisley asked, sounding older than her six years.
Satisfied the batter would be okay for a minute, I turned to face Paisley, who was coloring at the counter. “How would you feel if I started dating?”
“Mom has a boyfriend,” Paisley said thoughtfully.
“They’re engaged, but yes, what if I started seeing someone like when your mother started dating Chris?”
Paisley lifted her head, her forehead wrinkled in confusion. “How would Aria feel about that?”
“Why do you ask that?” I asked, my heart beating faster.
“She likes you.”
I ran a hand through my hair, shocked she’d been so intuitive. “That’s kind of what I wanted to talk to you about. Aria and I have been seeing each other, but we’d like to be more open with our relationship. We want to spend time with you as a couple.”
Her nose scrunched. “You mean kissing stuff?”
“That and holding hands. But nothing that makes you uncomfortable.”