I watched as Aria guided her to an open seat, talked to the instructor, and gathered the supplies they’d need.
Ireland stepped closer. “You don’t mind that I invited her, do you? She asked to hang out, and I already had plans to join you guys.”
“Of course not.” Although my stomach was rolling with indecision. “What do you know about her?”
“Honestly? This is the first I’ve heard anything about her sister or family. She’s not exactly forthcoming with information.”
“Yet you consider her a good friend?”
Ireland was quiet for a few seconds before she said, “I get feelings about people, and Aria is a good person. I think she might be going through some things, and she’ll share when she’s ready. I don’t think she’s one to ask for help.”
That hit me in the breastbone. Did Aria need help? I had so many questions, but I suspected Ireland didn’t have the answers.
Finn said he had a child, but it hadn’t prepared me for seeing him with her. He was sexy as all get-out when he interacted with her. It was a simple interaction between a father and daughter, but they were sweet together.
When Paisley had asked me to take her to the arts and crafts table, I knew I was a goner. She took my hand and led me over, and my heart tumbled around in my chest cavity. I was on uneven ground, and I needed to right myself before Finn and Ireland joined us.
I tried to focus on Paisley’s questions as she painted eyes on her small pumpkin, but it was difficult. My mind was racing with all the possibilities of what Ireland and Finn could possibly be discussing.
They were so serious, and I’d just revealed more information about my past than I ever did with anyone. In school, I was teased mercilessly for living in a trailer and receiving free meals, and I thought I had gotten over all of that.
I wanted Gia and my new friends to see me as an equal, not someone who needed charity. I’d come a long way. I could afford my apartment and groceries, but things were tight when I gave money to my sister and parents.
I was always worried about unexpected bills too. Living in fear about the money running out was a real concern. It was a habit I wanted to break. But everything took time.
I needed to focus on doing the best job I could. I shouldn’t be distracted by sexy dads and their adorable little girls.
“You think I should give him hair?”
I nodded solemnly. “He could use a healthy head of hair.”
Paisley dipped her brush into the black paint and used broad strokes to fill in the hair on the top of the pumpkin.
“What are you making?” Ireland said as she joined us, sitting next to Paisley.
“A pumpkin. You like his hair?” Paisley asked as she turned it with her hand on the stem.
“It’s great.”
Finn stood at the end of the table, looking down at us. It made me a little uncomfortable. When Paisley was finished with her pumpkin, she placed it on the long table at the back with her name so she could pick it up at the end of the day.
“I’m starving,” Paisley declared as soon as we exited the tent.
Finn took her hand and led us to the food tents.
“Are you having a good time?” Ireland asked.
“Definitely.” It was a gorgeous day, but I hadn’t expected to run into Finn and his daughter. I wondered if being friends with Ireland meant I’d be seeing more of him.
“You don’t mind hanging out with my brother and niece?”
“Of course not. They’re great.” That wasn’t exactly the truth. Paisley was great, and it was eye-opening to see her with Finn, but we didn’t get along. His sister didn’t need to know that, though.
Ireland linked her arm with mine. “That’s good because I spend a lot of time with them.”