He winked. “Don’t worry. I knew what you meant.”
My skin heated at his wink. I dropped my gaze from his only to be confronted with his chest again. Why did he have to walk around shirtless? Was it to drive me crazy?
There was a light dusting of sandy blond hair, lighter than the hair on his head. I wanted to reach out and touch it, to feel every dip and valley of his skin. I was obviously losing my mind. Ripping my gaze from the view, I vowed to leave as soon as breakfast was finished.
I got up to check my phone that I’d left in my purse last night. I hadn’t even brought it with me to watch TV. There was one message from Ireland.
How’s Finn?
Guilt filled my gut.
He’s all better. Coming home soon.
Want to ride to the wedding together?
Sounds good.
Finn pointed his spatula at my phone. “Is that my sister?”
“How’d you guess?” I asked as I sat on the stool again.
“You had that look on your face. The one you get when you’re about to tell me we can’t pursue whatever this is between us.” He moved the spatula back and forth.
“I wasn’t going to do that,” I protested as I sipped my coffee.
He raised a brow at me before turning his attention to the stove, where the onions were sizzling. “I know I’m so irresistible that you have to keep reminding yourself of all the reasons we can’t be together.”
He wasn’t being serious, so I didn’t bother engaging with him. He was the one who didn’t want a relationship. That was the main reason we couldn’t do anything more. Sleeping with him was a mistake. It made me long for things I couldn’t have. If we did it again, I was the one who was bound to get hurt. I wasn’t built for one-night stands or meaningless flings.
“Stop thinking so hard for once. Just let go and feel.”
If I let myself feel, I’d want to drag him back up to his bedroom and spend some time with his body. I’d explore it with my hands and my mouth until I knew his landscape by heart. Then visions of me riding him, his hands gripping my hips, flashed through my mind, making me heat all over again. I couldn’t even let myself think about him cupping my breasts or sliding one nipple into his mouth.
I needed to focus on Paisley, Ireland, and the job I so desperately needed to keep, and not on his six-pack abs or hard chest. Finn wasn’t good for me.
Aria was pushing me away, and I couldn’t blame her. She was scared about her relationship with Ireland and her job. I could have gone about things another way, but I didn’t regret what happened, even though she obviously did.
I had a feeling Aria was a once-in-a-lifetime kind of woman, and I couldn’t let her go. I was ignoring all my old doubts and insecurities. We didn’t have to be in a relationship. We could just see where it went. At least that’s what I kept telling myself.
On the drive to the wedding at Lily’s farm, I vowed to take every chance I got to interact with Aria, and if another opportunity presented itself, I was going for it. My dick got hard every time I thought about what it felt like to be inside her. To make her lose control, even for a few minutes. I wanted the chance again.
Today was a vow renewal for a couple who’d been married for ten years. Their three children were included in the ceremony. Gia said they wanted more of a party to celebrate their family. It wouldn’t have the same formal feel that other weddings had.
The bride would walk down the aisle in her original wedding dress, and the groom in his tux, but everyone else was encouraged to dress more casually. The couple planned to change out of their formal attire for the reception.
I was playing for both the wedding and the reception. The couple had requested more popular songs for both. I was looking forward to playing tunes outside of the typical wedding box. I had a feeling this couple was going to be fun to work with.