I was vaguely aware that there was cheering from the crowd.
He eased back a bit as he slid a ring onto my finger. “I promise to love and cherish you for the rest of our days.”
“Shouldn’t you save the vows for our wedding day?” I asked him, blocking out everyone else.
“I’ll say them every day for the rest of our lives. I never want you to doubt my feelings for you.”
“I don’t.” But we hadn’t talked about marriage. He’d never believed in it, and I didn’t need it. I hadn’t been expecting this.
Finn stood, my hand in his, as our friends swarmed us with hugs and words of congratulations. Finn’s set was done, so he put his guitar away and sat with me at the table.
When everyone’s attention was on something else, I said, “I didn’t think you wanted to get married.”
“It was you. You changed everything. My outlook on life, my belief in love, and a future with you in it. I want you to live with us and be my wife. I’ve never wanted anything more.”
My heart filled with love for him. “I want that too.”
“Are you sure? I know you said you didn’t need a piece of paper to show your love for someone.”
“My parents weren’t married, and we always wondered why not. If they loved each other so much, why not take that step? I want that. I want you to be my husband. I want to live together. I want to grow our family.”
His eyes shone with unshed tears. “You want children?”
“I do.” I wanted everything with Finn.
We were surrounded by our friends, and I’d never been happier. “Did you like your song?”
I loved that he called it my song. “I loved it.”
“I sold my first song the other day.”
I gasped. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I was waiting for the contract to be signed. I wanted to propose, but I wanted to plan something special. Then I had the idea of writing a song for you. It’s funny because I’d been playing around with this song for a long time but couldn’t get the lyrics right. When I decided it would be my song for you, that I’d ask you to marry me, the words just fell into place. Like it was meant to be.”
“I love that.”
“I love you.” He pulled me to him so that I was sitting in his lap.
My arms looped around his neck. “You ready to get out of here?”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
We stood and said our good-byes to our friends before heading outside. Finn held my hand over the console on the short drive home. “I can’t believe you’re here and that you’re wearing my ring.”
I lifted our joined hands, the diamond sparkling as we passed the streetlights. “It’s gorgeous.”
“I wanted something as bright as you.”
“I love it.” It wasn’t about the ring or the piece of paper. I’d say it wasn’t about the song, but I’d always cherish it. How many women could say their man wrote a song about them? I think the words and notes would always play in my head. It was special, something that was only ours, and I could keep it forever.
“I didn’t start living until I met you,” Finn said.
“You had Paisley.”
Finn shook his head. “I was going through the motions. Doing everything I knew to do, but I didn’t have you. I didn’t know how to let love in. My world was dark, and you filled it with light.”
“You have a way with words.” It was no surprise that he’d sold a song, and I had no doubt he’d sell many more. All our dreams were coming true, even ones we didn’t know we had.
When we arrived at his house, I was eager to connect with him, to be as close as I could. As soon as the door was closed and locked behind us, Finn was kissing me. My back fell against the front door, and then he was lifting me so my legs wrapped around his waist.
He carried me to his room—no, our room now—and laid me gently on the comforter. He hovered over me, kissing me and pushing my shirt up so he could touch me. Despite our initial urgency, we slowly removed each other’s clothes, savoring each kiss.
When we were both naked, he flipped us so that I was on top. He cupped my breasts as I slid down his length. I felt so full. Finn filled me in so many ways, and I loved connecting with him this way.
He lifted his head and took one nipple in his mouth, then the other. I increased the pace, chasing my release. And when we went over together, I couldn’t help but think that Finn was mine forever.
We’d live in this house, raise his daughter, and maybe another child, and live out our dreams. Anything was possible.