Holy’s Adam’s apple bobs up and down nervously. “Oh, yeah?” He asks. “What have you been thinking about?”
The little voice in my head reminds me that we’re on school grounds. At any time, a student or another teacher could walk through the doors. But that fuels my excitement for Holy. “I was thinking about being with you again.” I walk around his desk, and Holy stays utterly still.
“Danielle,” he warns, “this is my place of work.”
I don’t want him to get fired, but the danger is a little exciting. I slink down the side of the desk until I’m kneeling on the ground. “Then I’ll hide,” I tell him with a wink.
The space under his desk is just big enough for me to fit. I situate myself until I’m comfortable, or at least as comfortable as a girl can be when she’s kneeling on the ground.
“Danielle.” This time when he calls my name, it’s because I’m fiddling with his belt buckle. There’s desperation and a hint of fear in his tone. He wants this, but he’s afraid.
I keep going. I’ve never given a blowjob before, but I know what to do. I’ve read Cosmo articles and watched some videos. Once I have his semi-erect cock out of his khakis, I run my hands along the shaft and look at it from a different angle.
He’s just as big as I remember, but now I can make out the vein running under his skin. I press my thumb against it, and he doesn’t even notice. Holy’s hands are wrapped around the arms of his chair, and he’s staring at me with dark, lustful eyes. “You don’t have to do this,” he says in a restrained whisper.
I wouldn’t if I didn’t want to. I never do anything I don’t want to do. “Shh,” I tell him, “relax.”
“Relax?” He snorts. “I can hear people outside the door getting into their lockers and chatting about the weekend.”
I can’t hear anyone, but I’m not listening for them. “Don’t relax then,” I shrug my shoulders. “Do whatever you want.”
He opens his mouth to respond, but whatever he’s going to say doesn’t interest me. I lean forward and take his tip between my lips. Holy’s rebuttal dies.
He tastes like skin and warmth. The more I take him into my mouth, the wider my jaw has to spread. He digs his fingers into the arm of the chair so tightly that his knuckles turn bright white when his tip reaches the back of my throat.
I have to pull back for a second. He triggers my gag reflex, and my eyes start to water. But I can hear him mumbling curse words under his breath when I run my tongue across the underside of his cock.
I use my hands to help jerk him off. I’ve seen it in the videos, and every article says it makes him feel like you’ve taken all of him in your mouth. I can only handle half of him at once before I start choking.
Holy pumps his hips as I bob up and down. The words he’s mumbling become incoherent the longer I have him in my mouth. When he grabs my hair, fingers tangling my dark locks, I can tell he’s close to the edge.
I don’t know what I’m supposed to do next. The articles I read had mixed reviews. Do I let him come in my mouth? Do I swallow it? Do I spit it out? Do I just pull away and let him jizz all over his pants? There are so many options, and a woman is just supposed to know what to do.
“I’m gonna come,” Holy swears after a few seconds. It’s a warning. If I don’t want to take it in my mouth, I don’t have to.
But how will I ever know what it tastes like?
The first few droplets on my tongue are salty, and they’re immediately succeeded by a flood of the same flavor. It isn’t bad; it just tastes like I could use a cup of water. I swallow as much of him as I can, but it dribbles out of my mouth and down his shaft as he pumps his hips and tries to get out every last ounce.
There’s still a mess in his lap when I pull away. His pants avoided the majority, but there are still stains around his zipper. “Shit,” he mumbles.
“I’m sorry,” I apologize immediately.
Holy grabs a few tissues from his desk before pushing back a few feet to let me out. “You don’t need to apologize, Danielle. That was hot. And absolutely terrifying,” he adds with a half-smile, “but mostly hot.”
My knees ache as I climb out from under the desk and roll over to sit on my butt. I watch him from the ground as he dabs his pants to try and make the stains less noticeable.
“Christ. These pants are going to have to be dry cleaned,” he says with a shake of his head.
I can’t tell if he’s frustrated or if that’s a compliment. Either way, I make myself comfortable by leaning up against his desk. “What are you doing this weekend?” I could still use a cup of water, but I’m afraid if I leave now, I won’t hear from him again until Monday.
Holy tosses the used tissues in the trash can before looking down at me. “Why are you sitting there?”
I shrug my shoulders. It seemed like a lot of work to get to my feet. “It’s comfortable.”
He shakes his head. Holy pushes his chair back a few more feet and then gets on the floor with me. The two of us look silly down here, but at least we look silly together. “I think it’s high time I took you on a date. If you’re free this weekend,” he adds quickly.
My heart feels like it’s going to jump out of my chest, but I counsel myself to calm down. “I think I could make time for a date.”Act casual,the little voice reminds me.You don’t want him to think this is your first date…even though it is.