Page 98 of Selling Innocence

“I have to go. This is for the best.”

“For the best?” Hayden’s voice growled from the front seat, his voice dark and angry. “You sneak out like this, and you say it’s for the best?”

“I’d suggest you just stay quiet, Kenz,” Vance said from the passenger seat. “Anything you say now will just be digging you deeper into a hole that your pretty little ass is going to have to climb out of.”

“How did you even know where I was? I left my phone behind so you couldn’t follow me!”

Char reached into my bag and pulled out my glucose reader, the one they’d given me on that first day. He lifted it, then lifted his own phone. “This is how.”

The voice echoed out from his phone, the meaning becoming clear. They’d bugged my glucose reader, which meant they’d heard…

Hayden met my gaze through the rear-view mirror, his expression serious. “It seems we have some things to discuss, Mackenzie Williams.”

And here I’d thought my day couldn’t get any worse.

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Well, I’m fucked.

If only I meant it in a more literal way. Instead of me getting to finally ditch my virgin status, however, I was just in trouble.


Hayden, Tor, Char and Vance hadn’t said anything else to me on the ride home, but had they really needed to? Hayden had uttered my most tightly guarded secret, calling me by my real name, Mackenzie Williams.

The silence in the car crushed me. I struggled to breathe deeply, as if the air had thickened until it became too heavy to draw in. Despite that, even when the car pulled to a stop in front of the house, I didn’t move.

I didn’t reach for the door, didn’t make any attempt to exit. Even when the others got out, I sat there, frozen, staring down at my own lap because I couldn’t bring myself to look anywhere else.

Was this it? They knew who I was, knew how they could use that. If only I’d moved faster, avoided Jarrod, left that damn bugged reader behind, I wouldn’t be here. Now I’d potentially put Nem and the others in danger because I hadn’t been smart enough.

Here I am again, screwing up everyone else’s life.

The door opened, and I expected to find Hayden there. He was usually the one who escorted me, who watched out for me.

Instead, a dark hand appeared in front of me, waiting. I glanced up to find Tor staring down at me, his expression unreadable.

I’d caused enough trouble, so I set my hand in his and got out of the car. The slamming of the door felt like a warning shot.

We went inside, and I knew damn well I wouldn’t be allowed to go to bed. No matter how tired I felt, how much I wanted to lie down and sleep, it wasn’t possible.

Interrogations are better done when the subject is tired. I recalled Dane telling me that once, when he’d been trying to find out where I’d hidden some candy I’d stolen from the kitchen.

The memory made me smile, even as my eyes stung.