“You may not know me, but I know you. Not just who you pretend to be, but the truth.”
My stomach clenched as my worst fears were made clear. Still, I tried to play it off, no matter how laughably pathetic and obvious the attempt was. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Of course you do. We don’t have much time, so let’s not play games. I know exactly who you really are and your entire past. I know about your parents, about your sister, about what actually happened at your wedding, the part that wasn’t made public.”
“If you know who I am, then all you want is my last name. Don’t sully that by calling us soulmates.”
“You have no idea what you’re worth, do you? I don’t want you because of your family, because of your name. I want you because of you. Your name, your bloodline, and the things those can buy me are just the reasons that my family supports me having you. They are benefits, but not the reason.”
“I’ve heard that before.”
“Ah, yes, when your father tried to marry you off. You see, that man cared only about your name. He would have terrorized you had the marriage happened, making each day hell. He was just an old man excited to raise his position and sleep with a young girl. He deserved nothing more than the bullet he got—no different from your father.”
“You don’t know anything about my family.”
“Don’t I? I don’t spend time on the West Coast, but information still travels, and stories about the Hester line, about the Williams girls, those are the sort of tales that spread far. Your sister has done well, especially for a dead woman.”
“You shouldn’t try to use my family as a threat. That’s not a great way to get me to see you in a good light.”
“I’m not threatening them. I have no desire to exert myself by tracking any of them down. Besides, they’d be difficult targets while at the center of their power in California. However, anyone in your position would be tempted to solve all your problems by calling up your sister. You haven’t, and I’m curious as to why.”
“I’ve been being watched every second. I don’t have my phone or any way to contact them.”
“Let’s not start such a beautiful relationship with ugly lies, dear. If you wanted to, you could have gotten in touch. No matter what others see, you have more skills and strength than you let on, and if you wanted to get away from these men, you could have many times. So be honest with me. Why haven’t you?”
“I don’t want to put anyone else in danger,” I whispered.
“Good girl. You see how easy things can be when you trust me? You’re right, also. Nem is a hard target when in her territory, but if she came here? She’d find herself surrounded by enemies in a place where I am already entrenched. Even your precious Quad will be outnumbered and outgunned.”
“She’s too smart for you,” I said. “Anyone who underestimates her ends up dead.”
“Possibly,” Lorien admitted. “However, everyone has a weakness. She was ready to die for you, Kenz, to take a bullet for you. Do you really think she’ll care about risks if you call her? If you tell her you need her? Because I’m sure she’d rush into a burning building if you so much as whimpered. If you call her, if you tell her what’s going on, you might as well sign her death warrant yourself.”
I hated that he was right. Nem wouldn’t think twice about coming, no matter how dangerous, no matter how much power Lorien had here. Even if it was an impossible situation, Nem would rush in headfirst if she thought I was in danger.
Which is why I haven’t tried to get away or contact her.
She’d given up so much, risked so much to save me. I had to do the same for her.She finally had a real life after dedicating the last ten years to saving me. I couldn’t let her throw that away now.
“So you just want to remind me of the dangers? Thanks.”
“I want you to understand your position. The men you have been living with may still make foolish choices. They may let anger and pain rule their actions, may not listen to reason. You’re smart enough to know where you stand. You went along with your father’s wishes because you knew it was your only choice. You’ve always done what you needed to, no matter how difficult. Now that you see there is only one true choice, you’ll do the right thing again.”
It almost felt like he whispered in my ear, as if he stood just behind me, a monster I didn’t care to turn around and face.
“No one has died yet, Kenz, and you can control if that continues or not. You’re the only one who can, really. So when you’re ready to end this, when you want to stop risking those around you, turn yourself into the hotel on Fifth and Main. Give them my name, and they’ll take care of everything.”
The door opened, with Hayden entering first, his face pinched in tight lines. Well, to be fair, all the men appeared at their limits. “Time’s up,” he said.
“Very well. We will be in touch soon.” With that, the call ended, but Bradley didn’t take the phone. Instead, he left it at the center of the table.
“That phone is yours to keep. I purchased two phones with the numbers programmed into them and delivered the other to Lorien. This way you can hopefully resolve this silly dispute without the need for me to get involved again. Now, I’ve wasted far too much time on this nonsense, so I’ll be leaving.” He didn’t bother to even look my way before walking out of the room.
Char and Tor left after that, no doubt to make sure Bradley really left and that there were no signs of ambushes or attacks. Vance said nothing, and neither did Hayden.
I could only stare at the center of the table, where the phone was, and wonder just how I’d ended up in this helpless position yet again.
Maybe I was doomed to forever be a pawn in someone else’s game.