“Did you hear me?”
“I did.”
“Say something, please.” I plead with him. I need to know how he feels. For once in my life, I don’t have any doubt that this is the man I am meant to be with. Others have only been good for helping me get off. Let’s face it, vibrators get boring when it’s all you’ve got.
“I’m trying to find the right thing to say.” I attempt to cut him off, but he places a finger against my lips, halting me. “I think being blunt is best. I know the baby isn’t mine since we’ve never fucked.”
I lean back a bit. I’m legit shocked that he was so frank with his statement, but he isn’t wrong. If this is all he was trying to figure out, then so be it. I nod my head, agreeing with the statement, even though I really don’t.
“I’m guessing you were worried I’d walk away from you because of the baby?”
I nod my head—too afraid to speak. When his hand caresses my face and his thumb swipes, it becomes clear that tears have fallen without my permission. These hormones are turning me into such a girl. Yes, I can say that about myself. Thank you.
“It doesn’t.”
I open my eyes, the same ones I didn’t even know I closed, and look at him. I see nothing but honesty. He wants to be with me as much as I want to be with him, but I can’t deny that a small amount of doubt exists. “Are you sure? This is another man’sbaby.”
He chuckles, which pisses me off, honestly, “I know how babies are made, Birdie. Is the dad in the picture? Do I have to worry about some piece of shit coming in and trying to take the baby or make you move back to wherever?” When I shake my head, he continues, “Then nothing changes. The only thing that would is if he attempted to come around. I’d have to figure out where to hide his body, and I really don’t want to deal with that right now. The club has a lot of shit going on.”
This makes me laugh. Like, full-on belly laugh. How is it that his only concern is if he has to hide the sperm donor’s body? What world have I landed in?
“He doesn’t even know I’m pregnant, and none of the guys I worked with know where I’m from. To my past, I’m nothing but a ghost.”
“So it’s just us?”
Nodding my head, I grab his hand and bring it to my stomach. One small test to see if he’s full of shit or not. “Well, and this little one.”
His fingers splay against my stomach, and his face lights up. Holy fucking hell. He’s…. He’s in this. He really is.
“And this little one.” he whispers.
How did I get so lucky to find him? What in this crazy world did I do to deserve this man? I was prepared to be a single mother who probably moved back in with her parents so I could have some help. But now I have this man who claimed not only me but my unborn baby too.
Again, what world did I step into?
His hand comes off my stomach and cradles my face.
“I meant it, AJ. You’re my future. And now, I have this little baby. Was my plan to have a son or daughter so young? No. But it also wasn’t in my plan to have you. I thought I’d be alone and live up to my road name. Plans change, AJ. Thank fuck that they do because attempting to even think about a life without you kills me. You came in, gave me a glimpse of my future, and now you’re giving me the greatest gift. I’m all in, Birdie. All fuckin’ in.”
Tears are streaming down my face as his lips crash to mine. This man is exactly what I needed after everything I’ve been through. I would have kicked ass as a single mother. I would have completely fucking rocked that shit. I can’t lie, though. I’m happy that I don’t have to. This man, my very own John Wayne, is exactly who I need.
The rest of the day flew by as we shared stories about growing up. AJ talked about her brother and how, after his death, her family was almost nomadic until they settled here. She said her mom felt it in her soul that this place would be home for the rest of their lives. I told her that is how I felt when I came to town as a kid—being placed in Mama El’s group home as a teen with nothing to lose. I worked her and Judge hard with my rebellion. I felt like I wasn’t as lucky as everyone had told me. I should have died with my parents. Without them, I had no one and no family. It took Judge and Storm practically beating it into me to realize that family is what you make. It has nothing to do with blood.
It took watching Judge treat all the young guys and me like he treated Cowboy and Dizz. I was watching and making the connection that we were now family. It flipped something in me, and I told her how I loved being in that house and helping with the kids who were just as broken as I was. I poured out my heart, explaining how getting my prospect patch was one of the most incredible days of my life. I was working on the ranch and helping Mama with the kids, proving I wasn’t afraid to put my body and life on the line to protect my family.
She told me about growing up having Butcher as a dad, how she saw him flip from her dad Hank to Butcher, and taking it all in. I don’t know how long we talked, but we didn’t stop while we ate lunch and dinner. She invited me to spend the night because we were so wrapped up in learning everything we could about each other.
I have to tell you. Falling asleep with her in my arms is something dreams are made of. I don’t think I’ve ever slept so hard or felt as complete as I did by simply sleeping with her.
It feels like I just fell asleep when I feel her try to pull out of my arms. She taps my hand, indicating to let her go. On instinct, I pull her closer and snuggle in. AJ starts to struggle and whimper a bit. I open my eyes to see a bit of panic on her face, so I let go. AJ bolts from the bed and makes it to the hall when I hear what sounds like wet spaghetti hit the floor, and she keeps going into the bathroom with a slam of the door.
“What the fuck?” I whisper. Rubbing my eyes, I head to see last night’s dinner partially digested in the hall.
Normally, I am not one for puke, shit, or any other bodily fluids, but I don’t even think twice as I start to look for ways to clean it up. I need to check on AJ first.