“Swings were always my favorite when I was little,” AJ said, dragging her toe in the sand.
“Really? I was a monkey as a kid and needed to climb over everything. Gave my mom a few too many heart attacks with my near misses.”
“Why doesn’t that surprise me? You seem like a jump-in-with-both-feet kind of kid.” AJ giggles.
“Well, you aren’t wrong. Does that mean you were the quiet people watcher on the swings? The calm and collected observer?” I ask, trying to get more insight into this woman who has captivated me with everything she is.
I don’t understand this need to be with her, around her, or have her with me. I feel this urge to fight off everyone who even looks at her funny, and I have said fifteen words to her. I don’t even know her full name, but I want to lay it all on the line for her.
That’s why you keep coming off as creepy. Calm yourself and talk to her like a human!
“I guess you could say that. When my mom took my older brother and me to the park, I liked being the quiet one. Ben was wild and crazy. Like you, he needed to create chaos everywhere he went. So Mama really did have her hands full.” AJ’s eyes meet mine again. There is something more swimming there, emotions that are fresh but not, at the same time. There is something complex that I want to unlock.
“So, you’re straight-laced to my bad boy.” I flash her a cocky grin, trying to bring that smile back to her lips.
“Oh, I never said I was straight-laced. But when my brother was around, letting him take the brunt of Mama’s wrath was safer.”
“Was?” I question. Is this why all those complex emotions are flashing in her eyes? Did she lose her brother?
“Push me?” She asks softly, kicking her legs back and forth lightly. I can’t say no to her. I make my way from my swing to behind her. There is a calm silence over us before she starts to laugh—tossing her hair back. For a moment, she’s completely carefree. Then, all of a sudden, she begs me to stop the swing. I grab the chain and drag my feet to stop her.
“What’s wrong?” I stand before her, running my hands over her arms and face.
“Sorry, I just got nauseous suddenly.” She shakes her head a bit.
“Do you need me to get you something? Do you want to sit on the bench? We can talk? I am scared that I won’t see you again if you walk away.”
My god, guy, way to sound like you are obsessed.
Before she can even answer, my burner goes off. Fuck. Looking from her to the phone I pulled from my pocket, I see it’s Prez. Shit. I can’t ignore this.
“Do you need to get that? This late, it must be something.” She has some worry for me in her eyes.
“Ya, it’s something. Can I walk you to your car? I can’t just leave you out here.” I stand, holding my hand out for her. She nods as my phone rings again. I shoot him a one-handed text that I am on my way. AJ leads me to her Jeep, which isn’t parked far from the bar.
“Thank you for saving me,” AJ tells me softly, turning to look at me.
“Listen. I know I have been strange and borderline creepy, but can I get your number or something?” I need to shoot my shot.
“I am risking you becoming more of a stalker by doing this, but I think it’s time to take a chance.” AJ takes my phone and types in her number really quick, before turning and hopping into her Jeep.
I reach out to stop her when Prez calls me again. I am forced to watch her drive away while I answer the call from one pissed-off Cowboy.
“When I call, I expect you to answer, Cougar,” Cowboy says as soon as I answer the call. I know I’m gonna be in some deep shit with him. I always answer. I’m always available the moment I’m needed, but…. AJ.
“I know, Prez. It won’t happen again.”
Prez chuckles, which tells me he isn’t really mad at me, “Yeah, that’s what all of you assholes say. Listen. Artem needs his product moved right now. All the guys are here at the ranch, and I know you’re in town. I need you to go to his shipping yard and help get his shit moved.”
I’ve learned over the years that Artem has a more extensive dealing within our club than most outsiders. There’s history there, and I don’t see him going away anytime soon. Most of the time, he is a ginormous dick, but he comes through for this club. If he needs our help, I’m happy to give it. “Any idea what I’m moving, or is this a show-up and do whatever the fuck he says?”
“Do whatever the fuck he says. Look, I gotta call church, but I need you to go to Artem. The feds are snooping around in town. I don’t know what the fuck they’re looking for, but we can’t take the risk. Get to the yard and do whatever he needs.”
“You got it, Prez.”