“Wait, why are you talking about your husbands dick, Bri, when his sister is right there?” I point at Ellie.
Ellie answers first, “I’ve learned to tune her out, but when I can’t, I drink more. I get very drunk at these things,” she says as she chugs her beer.
“You guys know it’s Willie. Say it’s your men all you want, but each of you know it isn’t.” Ashlynn is dusting her shoulder as she looks us all in the eye.
“Wait. There’s obviously a story there about that, and I’m not in on it. Why do you say it’s him? I love the confidence, but come on.”
The girls all snicker as I wait for the answer. I’m all for him taking the crown, but do any of them know how big John is? Sure, I told him it wasn’t that big when he was freaking out, but that was in regards to hitting the baby with it. Because now that I’ve had it in me repeatedly, I know that it is very, very large.
“Willie’s road name is Wee Willie. Do you know why?”
I shake my head because I have no clue. The only name I know the meaning behind is my father’s and that’s because his job prior to this club, currently, was a butcher. “No, I don’t.”
“The guys originally gave it to him because he’s a big man. He’s always been,” Ashlynn literally swoons, letting out a breath as she pictures her boyfriend, “and they thought it was funny. Well, one day, they all saw what is between his legs and learned how wrong they were.”
I spit out my water over the way she says it, “How? Seriously?”
All of the girls laugh as Ashlynn continues to tell the story. “It’s nothing exciting. He wasn’t big on sleeping with the club girls but would every now and then. It took one time being in a public place, for them all to find out. Word spread fast, I guess. I don’t know. The guys change the story every time they tell it. I’m positive that he was fed up and one day whipped it out.” she shrugs as she takes a sip of her drink. “Either way, his is the biggest. I win.”
“What do you mean, you win?” Bri asks after she calms down some from laughing.
“I get the massive dick, and you don’t. How wasn’t that obvious?” She is so genuinely confused I laugh. I absolutely love how Ashlynn gives zero shits. It’s so refreshing.
“Okay, enough of Willie’s massive dick,” Ellie chimes in, causing another round of laughter to erupt. “Like I said the last time we were out here, it’s the crazy ones that have the biggest dicks. Aletta, do you know anything about Butcher’s?”
Everyone goes silent as my eyes pop out of my head. I’m not drunk enough for this, and even if I was, I wouldn’t be. Gag.
“What?” Ellie asks, genuinely confused.
“Bitch, that’s her dad! How drunk are you? That’s shit I would say,” Ashlynn laughs.
Ellie takes a moment before realizing what she asked me. “Oh my fucking god. Someone take this away from me,” she holds out her drink. “Tell us, Aletta. What is Cougar packing?” she asks sweetly like she didn’t just ask about my father’s penis.
They all look at me, gross question forgotten. Bri and Ellie are both leaning forward while Audrina smiles and shakes her head. Ashlynn is spinning her hand, practically telling me to hurry the fuck up.
“Wait, you guys are serious?”
“Why would we lie about dick?” Ellie asks blandly.
“Because you all have,” I look at Ashlynn, “apparently massive dicks of your own.”
“True,” Audrina starts, “but it’s become kind of our thing,” she shrugs her shoulders.
This whole thing is new to me. The guys in Seattle didn’t talk about their dick sizes. They’d go on about the women they fucked, and I would chime in when I felt like it. I like boobs. What can I say? But who doesn’t? Honestly. But I wouldn’t talk to them about the dick I was sucking. Then, when Kline and I started sleeping together, it wasn’t as if I was going to rave about it to his co-workers.
I am already a bad girl friend. I don’t even know how to fully act. I guess the first thing I can do is give them what they want, right?
“Uh,” I clear my throat, “Hmm, he…. He, um.”
“Oh no.” Ashlynn gasps, “He has a tiny dick,” she quickly whispers loud enough for me to hear.
My mouth drops open before I get my shit together and laugh. “No. He. Does. Not. And that’s fair. I said that y’alls guys probably did. But no. He has a big dick.” I absentmindedly rub my stomach as I give the girls the juicy gossip they crave.
“I knew it! The ladies have always been so drawn to him. There had to be a reason.” Bri chimes in.
“I don’t think all those old ass ladies that are always trying to ride him would have cared. Have you seen him?” Ellie says. “He’s got this super cute face.”
“Yeah,” I let out a breathy sigh, “he does.”