Page 22 of Lacey's Fight

“Whatever you want, you get. You know that, sweetheart.” The endearment sounded a little stiff and forced, but she doubted anyone would pick up on it.

“I’m so excited for this venture, darling. I want something that’s mine. I’m getting bored with just playing with my friends all day. I want to do something.” Opening the window, she pushed her head out as they started down the driveway and inhaled. “Smell that fresh air. The countryside is just so beautiful. So peaceful. I want a place like this for myself this very second.”

Ben chuckled indulgently. “Soon, sweetheart. You know I already have my people looking for your dream property.”

Lacey pouted. “You know I absolutely loath being patient.”

“Try, sweetheart. I promise this is the first step. Once we secure some merchandise then everything else will fall into place.”

“It better.” Adding a huff for good measure, she then threw her arms around Ben’s neck. “Oh, thank you, darling, for letting me do this.”

His body had stiffened at her touch, but his voice remained in character. “Anything for my queen, you know that.”

“You’re so good to me.” Leaning in so her lips were just above Ben’s ear she added in a whisper, “Stop freaking out every time I touch you. We’re supposed to be a happily married couple who are madly in love. Drake Harper wouldn’t look like he was about to have his … thing,” she cast a glance at his lap, “cut off every time the wife he adores and pampers touches him.”

Not wanting to give him the chance to respond, partly because there was no retort he should give to that and partly because she was concerned that if he did give a retort anyway, it would only be something that would make her self-conscious, Lacey turned back to the window.

The two men in the front of the car got out, the passenger coming to open her door, the driver to open Ben’s. Climbing out, she looked up at the large manor house in awe. Not fake awe but real awe. The place was amazing. Red brick, three stories, vines grew along the front of it, and since it was summer, they were full of beautiful flowers in an array of bright pinks, yellows, and purples. If you didn’t know the place was used to house and sell people on the black market, this would be most people’s dream house.

“Darling, do you think they would sell this place? I mean, it’s absolutely perfect. I love the brick, I love the vines, I love the grounds, it’s just so beautiful. I’ve never lived in England before, but I’m sure I’d love it.”

“I don’t think the house is for sale, ma’am,” the driver said politely.

Lacey pouted. “But it’s so pretty. We can at least ask, can’t we, darling?”

“If you want it, I’ll make it happen,” Ben replied.

“Sir, the house isn’t—”

“If my wife wants it, I’m sure I can present an offer that would be acceptable.” The glare Ben gave the two men was enough to make them cringe, and she was sure they had seen and heard a lot in their line of work.

“Oh, thank you, darling.” Lacey turned and threw herself into Ben’s arms trusting that he would catch her.

He did. His strong arms curled around her waist supporting her weight as she wrapped her legs around his hips and arms entwined around his neck. When she planted a kiss directly on his mouth, she felt his body go cold like she had doused him in ice water.

Was she really that repulsive to him?

Was touching her really so awful?

Despite her determination not to let anything this man said or did mess with her head, Lacey felt her own body respond by growing cold.

Then like somebody had flipped a switch she hadn’t even known existed, heat suddenly sparked inside Ben. One of his hands moved to claim her backside, kneading it despite their audience, and he took control of the kiss, turning it from a mere show to something that felt far too real.

This man was the most confusing one she had ever met, and she hated that she wanted so much more with him than one kiss.

* * *

August 4th

11:02 P.M.


His mind screamed the word at him, yet Ben felt powerless to end the kiss with Lacey.

It felt so different from his kisses with Jemima. Those had been soft and sweet, full of emotion. This was raw and sensual, full of power.

The kind of power that could consume you if you let it.