Leo’s gaze drifts to his phone sitting on the nightstand and he winces. “Damn, it’s five A.M. We should try to get some more sleep.” Then the corner of his mouth turns up a bit. “I don’t want you to be too tired for everything I have planned for tomorrow.”

“We wouldn’t want that.” I curl into Leo’s arms as he pulls me back down next to him, draping my arm across his chest and my leg over his. “Goodnight, Leo.”

There’s a heavy pause before he says, “Night, sweetheart.”

And as I lay there next to him, my mind not quite settled enough to sleep, I realize something changed tonight. Tonight,Iwas the protector instead of Leo. I was the one who helpedhim.

I want to protect him all the time. His soft heart, his gentle words, his dedication to helping everyone before himself. I want to be the person whoalwayslooks out for him.

I move my hand across his chest until it rests over his heart, and my heart gradually falls in rhythm with his. A feeling of absolute peace and certainty fills me, like the sun coming up over the horizon and setting the sky alight.

Thisis what I want forever. Moments like this. Not justthisnight with Leo, butalways.

* * *

“Tell meeverything,Gigi. Don’t leave anything out.”

I step out onto the balcony, shivering a little at the morning chill in the air. Sinking down into a chair, I pull my knees up underneath the giant sweatshirt I snagged from Leo’s luggage and look out across the crystalline water. “I’m not telling youeverything, Hayden. Some things are private.”

She humphs at me, but I can hear her smiling. “Fine, I’ll just imagine big, hunky, quiet Leo doing all sorts of illicit things to you all night. Tell me you’re enjoying yourself, at least?”

After three times last night and once before Leo left for the gym this morning, I can confidently tell my friend, “Yes. Very much.”

“Mmhmm.” Hayden shifts into interrogator slash friend voice. “So, how was your first day of freedom in Lake George with Leo?”

Amazing? Perfect? The day I realized I’m in love with Leo?

“It was incredible, Hayden.” I smile to myself just thinking about it. “He didn’t tell me where we were going, so it was a surprise when we arrived in Lake George. And then we spent the afternoon taking a cruise around the lake. It was so beautiful, and we just stood by the railing the entire time.”

“What did you do after that?”

“We got dressed up and went to dinner at one of the restaurants at the hotel. Then we came back to the room and…” I trail off as the memories of last night flash through my head, my body heating in anticipation of a repeat performance.

“I get it,” Hayden laughs. “Things went well, I assume.”

“Yeah.” The skin on my cheek pulls as my smile grows bigger and I don’t even mind. “Verywell.”

“So what are your plans for the rest of the week?”

“Well.” My gaze moves to a small boat cutting across the water, leaving a froth of white in its wake. “I think we might rent a boat one day, take it all the way to the north end of the lake. There’s a museum at that end, in Ticonderoga; it’s all Star Trek stuff, and Leo really wants to visit.”

Hayden snorts into the phone, “A Star Trek museum? I would never have imagined Leo as a fan.”

A surge of protectiveness fills me. “He likes science fiction. And I think it’s cute.”

“It is.” Her tone sobers, pacifying. “I wasn’t making fun of Leo. I guess it makes sense—he loves working with computers, so I can see the appeal.” She pauses, then says, “Youreallylike him, don’t you?”

“Yes.” My response is immediate. “He’s just—it’s not like anything I’ve ever experienced before. The way I feel when I’m with him… my heart is full. I just want to be with him.”

“Georgia.” Her tone softens. “I’m so happy for you.”

“Yeah.” My throat gets thick with the things I’mnotsaying.

“So what’s the problem, then?” Hayden has known me too long not to pick up on my hesitation. “Are you worried about the long distance thing? You back in Ballston Spa and Leo in Sleepy Hollow? Because it’s not really that far. You can see each other on the weekends. Or you could move closer.”

“It’s partly that,” I sigh. “But mostly,” I hate even saying the words out loud. “I’m worried he’ll realize I’m not good enough for him.”

“What?“ Hayden’s voice rises. “What are youtalkingabout?”