Page 79 of Talia

Fleet instantly understood. Talia had pretty much been in charge of every sexual experience they’d had so far, and she wanted to see what he had in him.

“Gladly.” He rose to his feet, and with his erection pointing the way, moved forward and wrapped her in his strong embrace, relishing the flesh-to-flesh contact that was finally real. He placed his hands on her bare bottom and lifted until her legs wrapped around his hips and his cock rubbed up against her now open pussy.

Without missing a beat, he spun them about and lowered them both to the bed, probing, probing, probing until…Ahh.He slid into place like a ship going to port.

He worked his cock slowly forward until it was fully settled.

“You okay?” he asked, managing to find his voice again.

“Mmm. More than okay,” she answered, her face rapt.

Fleet gritted his teeth. “Do you mind if I…finish fast? It’s been a long time.”

“You do you,” Talia moaned as he slid in and out tentatively, trying to keep his toes from curling. “I’m damned close, myself.”

Fleet tried to think of anything other than how good his dick felt, but when he ducked to capture one nipple between his teeth, her hiss of excitement had him speeding up, which increased the friction quotient, which in turn sent all his remaining blood rushing to his self-serving cock. Frantically, he sent a hand questing, and grabbed onto her belt, tugging at the leather to bring Talia as close as possible while he continued to strike like lightening.

She arched.

He grunted.


It was all over. His balls emptied in a tsunami of epic proportions, over and over and…

Shit!No condom.

He was brought back from the promised land with a jolt.

Fleet groaned.

“What?” Talia asked, her tone tight. Clearly, she was still reaching for her peak despite his speedy ejaculation.

Fleet sighed. The damage was done. The least he could do was bring her to completion.

“Nothing,” he assured her while loosening his grip on her belt and targeting the little hot button that would send her over the edge. It was the right thing to do as her eyes became vacant again, and she ground up into him as he kept up a very wet cadence with his dick inside her pussy.

When she finally grabbed hold of him with her interior muscles, he swore he came a little, again. But what a joy, watching Talia’s face scrunch up then flush withhercompletion.

Her body went limp beneath his, and he gave her a few minutes of bliss before he delivered the bad news.

“I’m, uh, sorry to say this, but in my haste, I forgot a condom.”

She cracked an eyelid.

“You telling me you’ve been banging something skanky?” she snorted. “I could have sworn you’ve been on bed rest.”

Somehow Fleet chuckled. “Nothing skanky, and I know I’m clean, but—”

“Are you questioning my pussy’s purity, then?” she asked, somewhat acerbically.

“No. No. Not at all,” he assured her. “It’s just that… We might have gotten you pregnant.”

She huffed, then smiled. “Not much chance of that, big boy, when I’m on the pill. Besides, I thought you wanted to give your parents grandchildren?” She blinked up at him cheekily.

Fleet sighed his relief and rolled off her. “I do. But I’d also like to spend this first year being stingy; keeping you to myself.”

She grunted her satisfaction. “It’s a plan, then. I stay on the pill, and you try not to have any more ‘holy shit’ moments, post-coitus. Got it?”