Page 77 of Talia

Because of the nightlife Fleet’s bands enjoyed, Fleet didn’t open his doors until ten in the morning, which had him closing around seven P.M. Then there were times he followed certain performers to their venues to record them live. Those were extremely late nights. She sighed. With her seven-to-three shift, it was going to take a little juggling for them to spend time together.

She had an idea.

“You work a lot of weekends, right?” Talia inquired.

“I do,” he admitted.

“What days are you slowest?”

He didn’t even stop to think. “Mondays and Tuesdays.”

She nodded in the dark. “Great. I’m going to see if I can switch my days off. Instead of Saturday and Sunday, I’m going to aim to match my schedule to yours,” she told him. Talia assumed it wouldn’t be hard. A lot of her colleagues coveted a Monday through Friday schedule. She’d easily find someone to switch, pending the chief’s okay.

“You’d do that for me?” Fleet’s heart beat steadily under her palm.

“Since you’ve pretty much said you’ll live here, then, duh. Aren’t relationships all about give and take?”

“I think so,” he chuckled. “I haven’t been in one in so long, I forget.”

“You haven’t forgotten anything else, have you?” Her voice got smoky, and she knew it was mean to goad Fleet, but hewashalf-naked, laying here wrapped around her…

“Not a chance. Looking at your gorgeous body brings everything right back to every one of my fingertips.”

To prove his point, he took those fingers and ran them over the peaks that strained beneath the cami she’d worn to bed, stopping to tweak one hard nipple on his journey.

Talia moaned. “Damn, that feels good.”

“Take your shirt off,” Fleet gruffed.

“Are you sure?” Talia felt guilty. He’d already gotten her off once without finding his own satisfaction, but he was under strict orders not to have orgasms. Was it unfair of her to enjoy another when his were forbidden?

“Seeing you come apart under my hands and my tongue is reward enough.” He’d read her doubts, and shut them down.

Talia slipped out from under his leg, stood up, and shed her panties and her shirt until she was standing before Fleet, completely naked in the moonlight.

“I’ve never seen anything more beautiful,” he breathed. “Cup your breasts for me.”

Ah,so he was a visual man. That was good to know, because Talia wasn’t shy. She could put on a show for him.

Hefting her needy flesh, she threw her head back and moaned for his benefit, tweaking her own nipples. She heard the bedclothes shuffle.

“Damn,” Fleet hissed. “Get back down here. I have to taste.”

Talia decided to make him wait while she continued teasing. “Taste what, exactly?” she asked, purposely making her voice breathless while she ran a hand slowly down her body toward her bare pussy. She spread her nether lips, then ran one languid circle around her clit before bringing her questing finger back to her mouth to suck on it. Once it was good and wet, she sent it down and dipped in again, moaning when the slickness of her digit glided easily over her silken flesh.

“Talia,” Fleet growled.

She played for another few seconds, but whatever Fleet had in mind, she knew it would definitely be better than her own finger. She moved toward the bed until her thighs bumped the mattress, then lifted first one knee, then the other to the sheet. She kept her legs spread while she eased forward toward her man, and he immediately took over.

Grabbing hold of one thigh, he drew it up and over him until Talia was straddling his face.

She heard him sigh. “Now there’s the sweetest view I’ve had in a while,” he groaned. He lifted his head and licked her long and hard, forcing her down onto his mouth at the same time.

“I’ll smother you,” she rasped hesitantly.

“No better way to die,” he assured her, his words vibrating on her sensitive sex.

Talia couldn’t have pulled back at that point if she tried. Her brain disengaged and her pussy took over. His lips formed a wide seal over her flesh and he sucked in while plunging his tongue deeply.