Page 72 of Talia

“You look…awesome,” he finally said, and Fleet had to admit that Doug cleaned up pretty well, too. He’d only seen the man in uniform and in his turn-out gear, and here he was sporting brown slacks with an impressive crease, and a button-down white shirt, crisp and…Wait.Were those fold lines? Fleet bit back a snicker. It looked like the man had doled out some bucks for a brand-new shirt.Good on him.

Doug turned to Talia and found his tongue again. “We’re going to take a drive up route 2 to Lincoln, and grab some prime rib at a little place there that’s good.” He suddenly looked unsure and glanced at Pixie. “Uh, do you like prime rib?”

“I do,” she assured him with a smile.

He looked relieved, and even more so when Talia spoke up.

“That’s a pretty trip, Pix. I’m sure you’ll have a nice time.” She nodded at her sister, then linked her arm through Fleet’s. “We’re headed out soon, too.”

“Okay then.” Doug shuffled his feet.

“Go,” Fleet assured him with a grin. “We’ll all have a good time tonight.”


Talia let the smile slide from her face as the door closed behind Pixie and Doug. “Do you think she’ll be alright?”

“She’ll be fine,” Fleet comforted. “Did you see the way Doug held the door and gently put a hand to her back? I’d say the man is smitten, and will do everything to make sure Pixie has a good time.”

“But… I talked to Mom when I was on break today. Pixie hasn’t dated since the incident. That’s almost sixteen years, Fleet. What if she freaks out?”

“Then Doug will deal. Also, he has your phone number, right?”

“Yeah. He does. For work.”

“Then he’ll use it if he feels there’s a need.” Fleet cradled Talia’s cheeks in his hands, relishing the feel of her soft skin. “I know you’ll worry, but isn’t it time for Pixie to see if she can have a life? I feel like…” Fleet swallowed the lump in his throat. “…you’ve given me that opportunity. I love my work and all, but I was just going through the motions, socially. Then you marched into my orbit in those hideous black combat boots, and I was a goner.”

“Flatterer,” Talia snickered. “And speaking of which, I’m getting out of these shit-kickers and into my sneakers, so sit tight.” She spun on her heel and headed for her bedroom, making a quick segue to the kitchen to grab a power bar and a bottle of water.

Fleet watched her go, enjoying the way her ass swayed as she walked. Was there anything about Talia he didn’t like? He couldn’t come up with a damned thing.

While she changed, Fleet also put on his sneakers and picked up the heavier jacket his parents had brought him at his request. Being inside so much, he’d become a bit wimpy where the temperature was concerned. He chuckled, thinking of how he’d fair when he got back to winter hiking. It could be a difficult transition, but he was certain if he mentioned his misgivings to Talia, she’d make sure he got his ass back on the trails…once he was fully cleared for exercise.

Of course, the exercise he was most interested in was some horizontal tangling with Talia. And that would be all about warmth…and sweating…and breathing heavily…

Fleet groaned. It wasn’t good to have his mind go there when he was just about ready to head out for a walk. Stiff-cocking wasn’t conducive to fluid motion, except when it was plunging into—Gah! There he went again.

Input connectors. Auxiliary sends. Preamps. Faders. Mixers. Effect processors.He listed off components of a sound board, hoping to distract himself, but when Talia emerged from her bedroom in tight jeans with a cinched belt over a curve-hugging red sweater, his brain short-circuited again.

“Did you just say ‘effect processors?” she asked, quirking an eyebrow.

“Yes. And it isn’t helping. I was distracting myself from thinking about having you naked underneath me, then you walked in looking like…that,” he huffed.

“Well first of all, I’m glad you like what you see. But second, who says you get to be on top?” She gave him an impertinent wink and turned to get her coat out of the closet.

“Not helping,” Fleet groaned. “I hope you dismissed our babysitters outside so they don’t get a look at my rampant hard-on.”

“Mmm. Rampant,” she returned, donning her jacket and zipping it up. “For me?” She eyed the front of his pants and he felt an answering throb in his dick before she took pity and looked away. “Too bad we can’t use it. But don’t worry. Our security detail is gone for the night, so there’ll be no show.”

“Small favors,” Fleet grumbled. “Let’s go. Maybe the cold air will make things…subside.”

She simply grinned, heading for the door first to hold it wide for him. “Do you think you can fit through?” she asked cheekily.

“Keep it up, Talia,” he groaned.

“Isn’t that my line?” she returned, once again besting him.

He growled mock-fiercely this time. “Sassy. Move that fine ass before I decide to paddle it.”